xvi : the mad hatter

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A/N: Me coming back to only deliver like 1k words I was snoozing so hard!
If yall also aren't on my Wattpad conversations, I mentioned how I'm going to be rushing this to work on something new.





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"If I had a world of my own, everything would be nonsense."


Even while his only job being sitting in the carriage, watching the blurs of night-blurred scenery flash through the windows, Shoto sat tired as ever. Keeping his mind off of it, he pulled a lollipop out of his pocket, and leaned on the window.

"The hatter, huh?" Shoto racked his brain, desperate to keep it from slipping to another topic.

Home, finally, home. The bed was illuminated by the dust of the moon, as if highlighting it for importance. At last, the slayer was finally able to sleep after a long day of holding in tears.


Three knocks were heard from the glass of the window. A hollow sound, flat and ringing. Each one cast a shadow of a long hand that casted on the sheets of the bed. Upon splitting the curtains, he was met with the irritatingly handsome face of a Jester.

Vox Akuma. He himself in the twilight was beautiful. Streaks of red are overtaken by the blue essence of the moon. But with the fierceness always present, even the shallow light of the moon couldn't hide the gold in his eyes that gleamed with fierceness for eternity.

He opened the window to let the Jester through, as Vox climbed on the window cill and sat down.

"Hey, going to bed?" Vox smiled, holding up a card. On it was the symbol of a hat with the number "10/6" written on it. The letters were lit ablaze by the inked fires.

"I was going to.. Unless you have something planned?" Shoto motioned a dead finger to the card the Jester was so eagerly holding up.

"Good insight!" Vox laughed, smooth and low. "Got an invitation~ Heard about that hatter in town?" He tilted his head to the side, as the slightest jingle of bells was heard.

"My friends told me about them," Shoto smiled, interested in the night he was to have.

"Very well then, let's go!" Vox reached out a hand to the purplette as if inviting him to a dance. Before Shoto could reach that hand, Vox fell backward into a trust fall, calmly and gracefully.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 25, 2023 ⏰

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