Chapter 7 - Suspicion

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The firefighters, despite their great number, struggled to take control of the fire and had to constantly relocate themselves to make sure that the fire wouldn't completely devastate the school's southern and western sectors. Wherever the flames abated, a classroom ravaged by explosions and blackened by the fire was exposed. Himiko was careful not to enter such classrooms as the floorboards were completely charred and so, one would very likely fall through them. 

''It's finished.'' Kokichi dashed the empty extinguisher into a lab that looked relatively untouched. He and Himiko managed to reach the 2nd floor, presumably their last possible destination, because the flames guarding the 1st floor were too fierce to pass through. 

''Isn't that Miu's lab?'' Himiko asked after her eyes followed the rolling extinguisher. 

''It must be, since this is the 2nd floor,'' Kokichi responded. 

They entered the lab that seemed like a sanctuary in hell. Miu probably designed it this way, trusting her genius more than that of the architects who were responsible for this school's infrastructure. Himiko couldn't decide whether it was Miu's caution or arrogance that inspired this, although her friend's frequent praises of her own breast size prompted her to think that it was the latter. She looked at all the tools and contraptions displayed on the wall or stored in the cabinets, hoping to find anything that could help them in escaping the school. When she stopped searching one of those cabinets, she suddenly halted in shock. There was a fairly large hole, a consequence of an explosion that took place in the class below, near the middle of the lab which she did not notice before because it was partially covered by a tilting metal plating out of which the floor was made. Long wires hung down from it like nooses and few metal bars, formerly hidden beneath the plating, were now exposed. 

''Impressive, huh?'' Himiko jumped and looked over her shoulder, seeing Kokichi's menacing grin. ''Oops, sorry!'' 

She wasn't in the mood to be surprised like that. ''No more pranking, yes?''

''Sorry...'' Kokichi repeated, his voice depressed and eyes looking at Himiko ruefully. She almost regretted her words until Kokichi's face speedily relaxed, his lips forming a grin. 

''We cannot stay here for too long, you know?'' He said. 


''Should I tell you eeevryyything? Look around, or rather, smell around...'' After making his weird remark, Kokichi returned to the cabinet he was previously scouring. 

''Nyeh?'' Himiko looked around. The classroom lacked a window, a small vent being responsible for ventilation. She was convinced that this was what Kokichi meant: it was dangerous to stay because, besides the fire outside of the classroom, they would suffocate from the stagnant smoke.

''Is it the smoke?''

''Yes,'' Kokichi replied. He was searching for something intently, throwing away various devices and tools before properly looking over them. Himiko was not sure about the extent of Kokichi's knowledge, but something told her that he must've been here before, yet Miu would've never permitted him to come into her lab. Therefore, she concluded that he must've sneaked into this lab. Why would he? It was pointless, he wasn't an inventor...unless it was for his pranks, yet she never saw him perform a prank while using something similar to what was in the lab. 

''Did you find anything, Himiko?'' He asked without facing her. Flustered, she did not know how to respond and instead asked:

''Kokichi, have you been here before?'' 

''Everyone visited each lab at least once, don't you remember? Besides, I had to lockpick my way into some of them from time to time...including Miu's.''

Himiko's doubt lessened, but she decided to remain cautious since she was listening to the words of a regular prankster and liar. ''What are you looking for?''

''Anything that could take care of this fire. There must be something.''

Himiko started searching again as the fire outside didn't stop advancing, however, she suspected that the corridors were made in a way to prevent it spread. There was no other explanation for its slow spread in there and much greater intensity in the classrooms. She wasn't sure whether they would be able to escape the school alive unless someone came with aid; bouts of dizziness already made it difficult to do, or have the will to do, anything. 

''Maybe this will help us.'' Kokichi found a strange pistol that had a spherical, glassy container at the backfilled with something resembling gravel or even sand. It also had a long muzzle ending with an elliptical exterior. Kokichi pressed the trigger gently and the device shot out the sand-like material. 

''Are you sure that this will get rid of the fire?'' Himiko asked. 

''It must – or else we die!'' His face was deprived of dread or concern as he said this, which fuelled Himiko with a mixture of hope and angst. Nothing else had the potential of letting them out. Himiko already became disillusioned about others rescuing them.

''You must go downstairs while I stay here for a moment. I'll catch up,'' Kokichi added. 

''What?! You're not staying here! This school is burning, haven't you noticed? All this time, you have been acting as if nothing out of the ordinary was taking place! What's up with you?'' Himiko shouted, balancing herself on her legs as all the rage and the dizziness was too much for her to endure. She was having strong suspicions about Kokichi's involvement in starting the fire, but her new affection towards him was battling them without end. Was she willing to pursue the truth?

''Peace of mind is the best remedy for tragedies of all sorts! After all, we were able to escape previous floors, and we achieved that through calculated deliberation – have we not?''

The fire progressed significantly and so the heat became unbearable for Himiko as she struggled to respond to Kokichi's arguments. She could not think any more and all her struggles appeared insignificant. 

''Himiko, are you alright?'' She felt, and indistinctly saw, Kokichi's hands grab her arms. ''Hurry downstairs.'' 

''Was it you?'' She mumbled. She felt lifeless until she left the classroom, as the heat of the fiery tongues was what hurried her to the nearest escape route. Miu's device worked, although it was painful to walk on the material once it extinguished a fire because the surface remained searing hot. 

Himiko continuously turned around, each time expecting to see Kokichi's grinning face and to hear him reassure her that the exist was close. She considered going back upstairs, but feared lest Miu's device doesn't last for that long, and she concluded that it would be better for her to return with help. However, she did not think that a return journey could be possible because of the building's perilous condition; she frequently heard sounds of floorboards collapsing or breaking under the weight of something, many walls also showing signs of infirmity.

When she started to reach the staircase leading to the ground floor, hastiness overtook her. The excitement she felt was then accompanied by a sudden wave of darkness as she lost her consciousness. 

A Destructive Prank (An Oumeno story)Where stories live. Discover now