Chapter 8 - A Dream

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Miu's lab was equipped with a camera. Kokichi spotted it for the first time when he was searching with Himiko. It was mounted over one of the taller cabinets, so it was impossible to see it unless one stood at the opposite side of the room and took a close look above the cabinet. He was sure that the camera was functional, which meant that the footage of everything he did in Miu's lab was available to its owner. He had to wait for Himiko to leave before grabbing the device he used to deal with other cameras and using it on this one. 

To his dismay, the device did not affect the camera. A false expectation motivated Kokichi to try this, as it was expected of Miu to reinforce her tech against the tools she had made. Getting rid of the camera became of secondary importance because if the footage was stored anywhere outside the lab, then he would be immediately convicted once Miu accessed it and showed it to the others, while destroying it only increased all the suspicions burdening him. Regardless of what he did, he couldn't waste any more time. 

He ran from one corner of the room to the other, eventually finding a hammer and a pair of bolt cutters. While standing on an office chair he struck the camera several times with the hammer and then, having made an opening, dismantled the device, crushing all the internal components, including a chip that he deemed to be a memory card.

As he was preparing to follow Himiko, the chair on which he was standing slid to the left. Kokichi fell straight into the hole in the floor, hitting his head against multiple peeking metal debris. His scarf was torn and the rest of the body marked with lacerations much more serious than those previously caused by the explosion. 

''...Shhtt...Himiko...'' What in his head sounded like a loud cry for help took the character of an inaudible murmur. 


Rows of wooden podiums emerged out of the ground, forming a perfect circle. Sharp streams of light dazzled the onlooker from the hall's four corners, although the spotlights could not be distinguished as they blended with the darkness and the crimson curtain that encircled the place. The floor was immaculate, so much so that a person could see one's hazy reflection in it. Rows of wooden seats likewise emerged out of the ground and surrounded the podiums, leaving a space of around 20 feet in between. Finally, many emblems and escutcheons appeared hanging from the ceiling, furnishing the room with an eerie atmosphere as they remained fully stationary and flat. The initial silence accompanying the hall's speedy formation ceased when groups of ordinary people entered inside, all settling themselves next to each other, leaving no chair unoccupied. 

Himiko watched the spectacle motionless, as if restrained by the same physical forces that affected the hanging emblems. She felt incredibly warm but didn't sweat. Despite her confusion and lightheadedness, she noticed that she was standing before one of the podiums. It wasn't clear to her when she walked up to it, but her attention was quickly seized by the silhouettes appearing before remaining podiums. At first, it was only a silhouette, then the darkness cleared to reveal a Hope's Peak student. She examined each new student and always found them to be someone she knew, until every silhouette apparelled its bodily form. 

Each student was either shouting with rage or taciturn in sorrow. Himiko was shocked to see her normally cheery friend Kaede looking downcast, or to see her close friend Tenko glaring at everyone in the hall before shouting in another outburst of anger. Even students like Chiaki and Aoi could not control themselves. What they were quarrelling over was not, unfortunately, alien to Himiko's ears:

''All of it burned to the ground – and for what reason? Merely for the sake of amusement, and I'm certain that amusement would suffice for many of us as a reason for the execution of such a disastrous crime. In fact, most of you ought to be detained – and perhaps imprisoned – simply on the grounds of suspicion!'' Byakuya asserted. 

''Whoever did this is the biggest scum on this planet. Is one of you really that pathetic and boring that the only way for you to have fun is to burn the entire school down?! You pathetic scum!'' Hiyoko shouted hysterically and stomped her feet. 

''I can't believe this. I'm wholeheartedly ashamed of having been a student here...ashamed of having shared a class with some pyromaniac lunatic!'' Tsumugi confessed, her eyes staring blankly into space; hands quivering from fear.

''It was one of you, I'm sure of that – almost thirty percent sure about that! And if you d-don't show up, t-then be assured that I will reveal your, which one of you did it?'' Yasuhiro stuttered. His innocent threat made everyone look at each other for the first time. Himiko felt nervous because the glances directed at her were much longer and filled with mistrust. She realised that he was also there, but he didn't look at her. 

''The identity of the culprit is now quite apparent,'' Kyoko said.

''There is no doubt about it,'' Shuichi remarked, the menacing gaze he wielded softening into an expression of sorrow. Himiko understood why he felt this way, but did not want her suspicions to be confirmed.

''Tell us forthwith who is responsible for this, and utter excommunication from all aspects of society will be the least of their worries!'' Ishimaru commanded. 

''Whoever he is, he'll regret the day on which Kaito, the Luminary of the Stars, decided to exact vengeance on him! Now – tell us their name!" Kaito shouted excitedly. 

''Why don't you tell us, Himiko? You know, don't you? Firstly, you were unsure as the clues were murky and there was little time to suspect anyone. Secondly, you placed the cause elsewhere, unable to take into consideration something nearest to you. Yet the trial will not cease unless the truth is laid bare. Will you tell them?'' Kyoko said, putting Himiko into some thoughtful trance, which the mage could not escape.

She respected the Ultimate Detective's deductions and her own guesses, but she couldn't accept them in light of the surreal nature of this debate. Nothing felt real; people's outbursts seemed staged; the spectators, although alive, were no different from mannequins. 

''There is no time to waste, Himiko. Tell us who caused the fire at Hope's Peak.'' Hajime urged her.

''I'll give them a real beating once this is all cleared up, so don't you worry Himiko, just tell us!'' Mondo raged.

''I-I can't...'' The hall became utterly quiet and everyone, even the audience, stared at Himiko in disbelief. She lowered her head, awaiting the inevitable torrent of insults and curses that would be thrown by her classmates. Contrary to her expectations, the hall began to disappear, the audience by rows, students one by one. This strange event continued until her and Kokichi's podiums were the last things that remained. Kokichi looked guiltily at Himiko, oblivious to everything else that was happening. Himiko wished that she had the courage to ask him about the events at school, but when she mustered it to follow through with her question, she heard a familiar voice that instantly dragged her away. 

''Damn it, Himiko, wake up!''  She awoke, opened her eyes and saw Kaito shaking her frantically. 

''Finally! Come, I will help you with walking out. Everyone is outside, so they'll help us out,'' He helped Himiko to stand up, but she was more concerned about Kokichi's absence. 

''Himiko, we have no time-'' Kaito added, interrupted by Himiko rushing back towards the stairwell. 

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