Chapter 23 - More Confusion; Less Cold

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''I don't believe you. You're definitely sick,'' Tenko insisted, palming Himiko's forehead; then looking down on her with a motherly sternness. ''You're burning, Himiko!'' 

''No, I'm not. . . It will pass anyway.''

''You'll only get better if you rest, you hear me? I won't let you leave this room otherwise.'' 

Annoyed, but not enough to forfeit her freedom, Himiko pledged her allegiance to the common cause of well-resting, swearing on her life and bowing grandly. 

''Can I go now?'' She asked; pride clearly wounded by this impromptu ceremony. 

''Yes, but wait for me!'' 

While Tenko was working through her morning duties, Himiko examined her own bed with impatient consternation, sparing no crevice or remotest bundles of wispy dust in her search; quite amazed at her carelessness after remembering about that Kokichi-sack: much less distinguished among the sacks without its former load. 

She opened it and peeked inside, but the drenched clothes were gone; the sack, however, absorbed much of the water, so Himiko could reassure herself that Kokichi was with her in some form, and that the awful donkey nightmare didn't begun much earlier. The teacup was also found, unfortunately much less clear about the sipper, though evidently sipped out of; strayed dots of undissolved sugar camped at the cup's bottom being the evidence, yet she could've sipped the tea herself during a fit of somnambulance: a most possible possibility that she preferred to ignore. 

The main concern was her dream and what it meant; mage work didn't equip her with oneirocritical expertise, and no less remarkable was her knowledge about symbolisms and all that confabulatory tagraggery it involved; an unsatisfying and piteous dead end, but in a school full of ultimates, she had a good chance of someone who did know something about these matters. There were in fact many such students, one being a particularly good guess, though his name escaped her. 

''Okay, I'm ready; let's go!'' Tenko announced as she left the bathroom; disturbing her friend midway through the investigation, but Himiko, wishing not to appear suspicious, renews her impatience to leave the dorm, putting on a fine frown and furrowed brows. 

''Finally. . .'' She mumbled and they left. 

On their way, Tenko greeted almost everyone they passed (the almost being all too clear), and briskly took their spots at one of the tables in the cafeteria that hummed with student chatter; and sometimes rang with clacking cutlery. Soon the table was full as the usual friend group gathered. 

''Is Himiko alright?'' Kaede asked worriedly, and seemed to have been waiting to ask this question the moment she saw Himiko. 

'''The Sad Girl at the Cafeteria Table' – yes; this really sounds inspiring!'' Ibuki screeched in joy. 

''Himiko's feeling sick; but don't worry everyone, she's in good hands,'' Tenko explained and grinned; an explanation useful for its diversion from everyone's worry, though faulty, as Himiko didn't remember telling Tenko about feeling sick. 

''I'm sure that Mikan will be more than happy to help in case you happen to feel worse; she has been nursing Mukuro recently, and she recovered very quickly,'' Peko said and returned to her silence, as if her duty in this conversation was now done. 

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