Chapter 18 - Nightwatch

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''What if it was your fault all along?!'' Hifumi squealed. He and Korekiyo were seated in the communal room situated right before the entrance to the dorms. Empty cups and champagne bottles littered the tables, and in some instances even the floor, because the cleaning was postponed until morning. 

''I'd, in your place, forbear from making such silly suggestions next time. The ritual was not at fault.'' Korekiyo replied, unzipping his mask every so often to drink some of his champagne. 

''Ah, I see now, so you don't have an argument against my assertion? Hmph! Now I can be certain that I'm on the right track!''

''Where, o where, is your evidence? Your speculations have no ground, you fool. Its purpose was to bring back the dead – I have disclosed that to you multiple times, otherwise you wouldn't have likely been equally eager to assist me, not that your assistance was necessary.'' 

''You've been remiss in your calculations, Mr. Shinguji, but this lad right here agrees to help you with his ingenuity!'' 

''I'm not requesting any help from you ever again. Your stupidity excels my patience in its persistence...'' Korekiyo sighed, hoping to enjoy the short moment of silence before Hifumi's another outburst would break it. However, both of them were put on alert when they heard a door close. The sound came from the dorms and, after a long wait, was not followed by anyone coming into the communal room nor by the doors closing again. 

''Methinks someone's been spying on us,'' Hifumi whispered, sliding down from his seat, peeking out from behind it to watch the opened entrance to the dorms. 

''This...this is pathetic. What are you doing?'' Korekiyo asked, the alcohol having worsened his annoyance with his companion. 

''Rather odd for someone to be closing doors so late at night, isn't it, Mr. Shinguji?'' 

''What's odd is how you're able to function daily.'' 

Hifumi ignored his comment and arose, heading to the main entrance. 

''Where are you going?'' Korekiyo was now flushed, holding his glass tightly, debating whether to throw it at Hifumi. 

'''Where?', you ask. I respond: there where my investigation will lead me!'' He adjusted his glasses, stretched his shirt and took out a small camera before leaving the room with a malicious smile plastered on his face. Korekiyo intended to use this opportunity to immediately head to his dorm, but a strange curiosity moved him to follow Hifumi. 


''This is silly. We should've gone to the dorms first – not outside.'' Korekiyo said, looking lazily at the lamps and the darkness just beyond them. 

''Aha! That's what everyone else would've done, but individuals with my keen intellect think differently.'' Hifumi puffed up, observing the area as if he already was lost. ''Indeed, very interesting.'' 

''What is interesting? That tuft of grass, or is the dried grass perhaps much more interesting?!'' Korekiyo fumed and turned around to leave. 

''Not so fast, friend; do you hear that?'' Hifumi said. 

There was in fact a discernible sound of clanking coming from the eastern side of the school. They listened intently until the sound stopped when a feminine voice cut through the air. Then they saw a figure donned in black being chased by Himiko - both of them ran into the forest.


It was midnight, Korekiyo and Hifumi were camped outside, having been unsure whether to pursue Himiko and the stranger or to wait for them to re-emerge. 

''Interesting. My suspicion is that Miss. Yumeno might've been murdered by that stranger already,'' Hifumi whispered. He became more agitated after seeing the pair run off, Korekiyo on the other hand revived his composure. 

''The time has come for us to disengage...and maybe eat something as well. Our night watch has been quite exhausting.''

''Just a moment,'' Korekiyo said. 

Although it wasn't a moment, they saw Himiko emerge out of the darkness of the forest eventually, and she was accompanied by a familiar figure. 

''We must follow them,'' Korekiyo whispered, an unusual trace of anxiety sounding in his voice. 

''Yes, yes,'' Hifumi replied sleepily. 

They followed the pair until they saw them halt before the dorms' emergency exit. The stranger opened it quickly. 

''Oh, n-n-no!'' Hifumi grew pale, his face having contorted into a bizarre expression. 

''What the hell is wrong with you?!'' Korekiyo shouted as quietly as he could and glared at Hifumi. 

''I-it's Kokichi! The d-dead will re-eturn to haunt us!'' 

Sweating profusely, Hifumi made several steps backwards and darted back to the main entrance. Korekiyo observed Kokichi and concluded that the ritual he performed affected him rather than Korekiyo's intended target – if Kyoko was correct in stating that he died. 


Himiko sneaked back into her dorm. Tenko was asleep, and the room looked no different from when she left it. Cool air continued to blow in from between the curtains. Himiko saddened as the stinging cold was more noticeable since she parted with Kokichi. She feared that it might've been a dream, but her dirty blazer relieved her in giving evidence to the contrary. Before sleep seized her, she asked herself if Kokichi was now dozing off somewhere in the forest, or in some other sordid place significantly more uncomfortable than what she grew used to. Pity moved her, until she also wondered how he survived everything that happened to him. He was in the grips of death when she left him. Among these questions, she fell asleep. 

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