Chapter 17

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A/N: I know you all hate me for lying but I'm really close to just giving up on this book because I don't really care anymore

*Hayden's POV*
*-3 months ago-*

The next day I went to school to be greeted by all my friends saying congratulations. When I went up to Emilie and she had a cake that said "Congratulations on you teen pregnancy!" I looked up at her and glared smiling. River came up to me and hugged me from behind.

"How's my future baby's mama?" He asked kissing my check.

"Fine I guess. I'm really tired." I said laying my head on his shoulder.

"Well let's go to class and see how you feel and if you still don't feel well I'll take you home!" He said getting mine and his stuff for class. First period we had math which I wasn't looking forward to. I couldn't even pay attention there where so many thoughts going through my head. I think Brendon is still upset about us not being careful but I know he loves me no matter what. If I do endup having this baby I'm not going to give it up! I have been in adoption centers they suck! Then a really big thought came to mind. Where are my parent's? If I'm going to have a child of my own and stuff I want them to know and I want them to know who I am. The bell rung and I decided to go home so I can look more into it.

When I got home I wasn't expecting anyone to be there. Sarah was out getting stuff for my birthday tonight so I know she won't be home. I walked in calling her and Brendons name just to make sure. Brendon was home.

"Hey, what are you doing home?" He asked coming to me.

"I don't feel well." I said then ran up to my room. I went to my computer and sent an e-mail to the adoption center asking them for a copy of my birth certificate. I got one within five minutes of sending it. I looked at my mother and fathers name my dads name was Samuel West and my mother is Olivia West. I looked them up on Facebook and it turns out my father is a big CEO for a really big company and my mother is a dance teacher in L.A. which is where they live. I decided to take a trip to this dance studio and have a talk with her.

"Brendon!" I yelled.

"Yes darling?" He said coming up the stairs.

"There's this one place I want to check out. Could you take me?"

"What and where is it?" He asked.

"Its a dance studio. I want to check it out before I get big you know?" I said trying to sound believable.

"Okay get in the car." He said going to grab the keys. I went and changed into some workout clothes. When I looked in the mirror and tured to my side. Wow this is really happening. I lifted my shirt up to see my bump.

"You ready to go?" Brendon asked knocking on my door.

"Yea." I said grabbing my bag.


"Bye bren I'll call you when I need you to pick me up" I said said shutting the car as he drove off. I walked inside and asked the lady who the teacher was for the classes.

"Mrs. West is teacher for all de classes." She said in a Russian accent.

"Okay I need to take an advanced class." I said. Yes advanced I've danced since I was 3. Yes 3 even in an abusive house hold when your mother is a dancer you become one.

"You will be only one in advanced class." She said handing me a paper and a pen.

"Fill des out" she said

Full name: Olivia Urie

Birthday: May 5th 2000

Any medical problems: No

I handed her the paper to look over.

"You may go in and try out now." She said

"Try out? I didn't have a dance prepared!" I said

"Then zhink of one."

I walked in to the studio and saw her sitting there. I can't believe it. My mother sitting in front of me.

"Hi sweetie what's your name?" She asked

"O-o-Olivia its Olivia" I finally spit out

"No need to be nervous Olivia its just me in here." She assured me.

"I know I just umm... Just.." I got freaked out. "I'll start dancing now." I said putting down my bag. She started playing a song and I started dancing a dance she taught me when I was little it was the first thing that came to mind. After the dance was done I started crying. Must be hormones.

"Oh um are you okay honey!?" She asked

"Ya umm... I just... Can I talk to you privately?" I asked

"This is private." She said looking around the room.

"Right! Umm so..."

"So...?" She questioned

"My names not actually Olivia its Hayden and your kind of my mother..." I said just wanting to get it over with. She sat there shocked.

"I should go." I said picking up my bag

"No please don't." She said. "I just need a second."

"Okay..." I sat there.

"So you're my daughter Hayden Olivia West?" She asked

"Well its actually Urie but yes." I said correcting her on my last name.

"How did you find me?" She was crying now.

"The internet..." I said looking down at the floor still crying. She didn't say anything she just gave me a hug and laughed of joy I'm guessing.

"Your father will not believe it! He's going to want to see you right away! Look at you you're so beautiful!" Sh was rambling.

"Hold on." I said confused.

"What?" She asked.

"Last time I checked you guys abandoned me, beat me, and let me starve now you are excited to see me!?" I asked. She looked shocked that I said that. "Anyway I just came here to let you know... I'm... P-p-pregnant. So now that I got that out I'm going to go call my dad to come get me." I said walking away. She walked behind me.

"So that's it your just going to leave. Tell me you're my daughter and leave?" She asked.

"That's the plan." I said turning to her.

"No I want to meet your parents I want to meet the father of my grand child."

"Fine! You can come to my birthday dinner tonight." I said giving her an invitation.

"We'll be there I promise!" She said smiling and giving me a hug.

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