Chapter 10

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I woke up today feeling like it was going to be a good day for some reason. I went down stairs to start making breakfast for Hayden and Brendon and some coffee as well.  I love this new life with Hayden in it but truth be told it's hard being a mom and I haven't even been one for that long! Today me and Brendon get the day off just me and him while a family friend takes Hayden out to town to explore. His name is River and he's 16 he is my friends son and I thought it would be fun for Hayden to have some friends.


I wake up and go down stairs to see Sarah making breakfast but in deep thought she didn't even notice I was there.  So I just kinda sat there all creepy like waiting.... She still didn't notice me! WTF! 

"Sarahhhhhhh??" I said then she looked up at me and smiled.

"Hey doll how did you sleep!?" She asked all perky like, like shes hiding something or has something to tell me.

"Good how about you?" I asked her trying to read the expression on her face.

"Great! Thanks for asking!" She said all smily like she usally does, now I know why the song is called Sarah Smiles "Hey so listen me and your dad have the day off and a family friends son is comming to pick you up to show you all around the area and take you out for lunch and stuff how does that sound?" she asked kind of excited wow she really wants to spend alone time with Brendon I dont think they've had any since I got her so I might as well go. I run up stairs to get dessed and shower and all that shit you do in the morning. I put on the usal outfit a My Chemical Romance band tee black skinny jeans and convers. Then I went to the bathroom to brush my teeth and do my makeup.  Today I decided on wearing not a lot of eyeliner but just enough I did a cat eye and some gold ish type of eye-shadow.

"HAYDEN HE'S HERE!" Sarah yells from down stairs at me. I look one last time at myself in my mirror and grab my phone and satchel then I'm off.

*In the car*

    "So what's your name?" He asked me "Your full absolute name!"

"Um well my full name is Hayden Olivia Urie" I said awkwardly he was really out going and as for me I was not... "What about you? What's your full name?" I asked

"River James Short. I know its weird don't make fun of me." He said in a kind of sarcastic tone that made me chuckle a little. We pulled up to this outside mall outlet thing I forgot the name but it was really fancy I don't think I've ever been to such a fancy place before. We stayed there for about 2hrs then went to the beach.

*At the beach*

We where just walking down the peir looking at stuff and laughing when he held my hand. I guess you could say I saw this coming I didn't pull away or anything I just let him hold my hand and I held his. We where walking down the shore when it started to rain. California has had some pretty strange weather lately. We started running to his car while laughing our heads off and we couldn't find the car when all of the sudden he stopped.

"I've been wanting to do this all day." He says and then we where kissing in the middle of people trying to get in their cars and trying to leave we kissed for about a minute then someone started honking at us. We looked and just started laughing looking for the car again. I guess you could say thing are going fast but sometimes fast is good, I think.

*Driving home*

    We held hands while driving to my house. It was sweet I guess you could say I liked him.

"Hey so Sarah said that she wanted me to keep you till around 10 and its only 7:30 want to come to my house?" He asked smiling. What does this mean I've heard how stuff like this ends I'm scared but he has to keep me until 10. I just shook my head yes as he passed the turn to my house and started to drive to his.

When we got to his house nobody was home. Great.

"Um do you want to go upstairs and watch a movie?" He asked "Sure." I said awkwardly we went upstairs to what I was guessing was his room it was quite big actually. It had a big TV a queen sized need and band posters I looked over to his night stand and saw a picture of Sarah holding a baby.

"Who's that?" I gestured to the picture. "Oh that's me and Sarah." He said smiling "I've known her all my life." I nodded my head and looked around the room then sat on the bed. He put in the nightmare before Christmas one of my favorite movies. 10 minutes later we where making out. I'm not to sure how it happened but it did so I just went along with it. Then we heard the door opened and stopped. I heard Brendon? Why was Brendon here? He walked into the room and saw us watching the movie.

"I'll be out in the car." He said and walked out. That was really odd so me and River exchanged phone numbers and he gave me a kiss goodnight and with that I left.

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