Chapter 25

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So I decided I am going to post the other book please check it out! It's called "Where do we Begin" and it's a love story featuring our lovely Brendon Urie.

When I walked in the front door all I heard was Toby screaming. I rolled my eyes and shut the door.

"Sarah! Brendon! River decided to dump me so I'm back home!" I said yelling through out the house. I went over to where I heard the screaming and saw Toby in his play pen and Brendon and Sarah passed out on the couch. I picked my almost one year old baby up as he calmed down.

"Hi honey!" I said smiling at him.
"Mama." He said looking at me.
"Good job baby boy! I'm your mama!" I said giving him a kiss. I walked up to the kitchen and made him a bottle so I could put him to bed. After I put him upstairs in his crib I went back downstairs to make myself some food. When I got back down Brendon was in the kitchen.

"Where's River?" He asked confused.
"He left me... Again..." I said looking down. "Oh well I should know by now that he's a douche bag." I said shrugging. Brendon just sat there and nodded his head.

"Do you want anything while I'm making food?" I asked him.

"Just a beer please." I grabbed him one and opened it for him. He smiled and took a sip.

"So you know that I have to go on tour soon right?" He asked.

"Ya I know maybe me and mom can come out to some of your shows? I can always get my real parents to watch Toby or have his father take him." I said taking out some cereal and a bowl.

"You know you have to figure out custody with River right? You can't just keep Toby there are laws."

"I know I just don't know what..." I sat there and thought about what type of arrangement would work the best.

"What if River just took him every other weekend?" I asked.

" I don't see a problem with that but River might and if he does we have to take it to court." I nodded my head knowing that that's what we are going to have to do.

So that's a picture of Toby just because the last time you guys saw a picture of him he was a newborn. Anyway I have a new book coming out you guys should go read it!!!!!

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