Chapter 2: Candy

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I strolled slowly into her classroom as the school emptied. As soon as I stepped in she looked up at me with wanting eyes, I've seen this before in way too many perverts these days.

I guess this is pretty perverted. No matter how deep her eyes are, how bold her body is, and how bad she makes me want to melt to my knees, she's still a teacher.

"Close the door," she pointed, leaning back in her leather bound chair. It swiveled with ease as she turned around and started rummaging through her things.

There was a slight hitch in my movement, my body went to follow the order, but my mind was telling me it shouldn't be that easy. I shook away the nonsense and pushed the door closed.

"Lock it."

My hand dropped down and I turned the lock on the metal handle with ease. In a matter of seconds I was standing back in front of her and we met eyes for a moment and I think I got lost because when she snapped her fingers at me, my heart skipped a beat and my face started to burn red, even hotter than before.

"You are too adorable," she mumbled and as much as I hated it, a small smile came to my face. I haven't been complimented like that since Tae, him in the beginning at least.

I swallowed thickly and peeked up past my bangs, a small gust of wind broke through the room quickly reminding me that she has something important of mine, but more urgently, I'm going to be late for work if I don't hurry this along.

"I, Um, I have to go to work soon," I pushed out, looking down while playing with my fingers. She made me feel inferior, I am inferior.

I can barely think, I'm shaky and my mind is scattered and something is telling me that she doesn't care if I get to work or not.

"No, you don't work there anymore,'' she said standing up. "You're with me now, I got you, I'll pay for whatever you need, or I'll give you an allowance it's up to you."

My head shot up and my mind went blank as I opened my mouth to protest, fight back, something, anything. All I could do was shake my head because, Not again. That's what he promised and now look where I am.

I started to back away in a last ditch effort to gain some kind of control, until my arm was taken, stopping me from getting farther.

"I can't, Miss not again, I– Please," I started to beg for myself.

"Not again, not what again?" She pulled me, quite

nicely into herself and that's when I started to feel panic fill my chest. I lifted my other hand but she took that one too. She had my wrists clutched in her fists and I couldn't move which made me panic more. I jerked trying my best to get out of her hold, to get away from her.

I just need to go to work and get honestly paid for breaking my back. That's all I wanted. Not another unbalanced dynamic with another mean Domme.

Suddenly she started to squeeze, it wasn't tight enough to hurt, but it was alarming. I pulled, but she yanked me back making my heart stop for a moment. I met her cavernous eyes, yet again. At that moment I stopped moving for fear of making her angry at me. Every Top is nice until they just aren't.

"Hey, you're okay," her voice was strong and authoritative, "I'm not going to hurt you."

She nodded at me, keeping our eyes locked. I couldn't help it, I had to take heed. I found myself nodding in time with her as a few tears rolled down my cheeks.

"What do you mean, Not again, did you not want me to touch you again? Come on, talk to me," she pulled me closer so that our chests were touching.

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