Chapter 8: High Highs, Low Lows

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"Are you and Jay like a thing?" Jessi leaned forward in a circle as we stood at my locker this time. It was becoming a thing to congregate at whoever's locker to talk before and after school and even before and after lunch. Today was my locker and I was lucky enough to be questioned yet again about Jay. This time because they happened to catch him dropping me off at my locker before he had to go to practice. Rosie said she'd be here longer since she has a meeting to attend. 

I shoved my books into my locker and grabbed a pen to take home before I closed it and turned around to the curious girls. 

"That's what I asked, but she insists they're not," Kim smirked as she held onto Clem's bag as well as her own. They all were in gym clothes and had their hair up like they were going to workout. 

"We're not, I've known him my whole life. He's like a brother," I shivered in disgust a bit making everyone around me laugh, "anyway, what are you guys doing?" I pointed to their clothes and the bags they had.

"Oh, me, Hanna and Trisha, are on the swim team and Jessi, Clemmy, and Tiara are on the Cheer squad. We have practice today," Kim explained, running her hands through Clem's hair as she leaned on her shoulder. She's tired today, she stayed up all night studying for biology and has been down and quiet all day needless to say, Kim wasn't very pleased. 

I nodded and started to think about what I was going to do while I waited for Rosie to be finished, but Kim had already jumped in. 

"You can sit with Clem, she's not doing well enough to practice today so she's watching us at the pool," Kim said, shrugging her shoulders. I nodded barley giving it a second thought as I shot a text to Rosie on my whereabouts.

I followed to the pool as everyone talked, I caught the tail end of what Trisha was saying as we walked into the tiled room. 

"-yeah, don't worry Riley will be with us tonight though." 

My ears perked up at the new name, I'd never heard them talk about a Riley before, everyone seemed to be in agreement that the stranger joined us later so I just shrugged it off. I followed Clementine to the bleachers near the pool where the swimmer's left towels and goggles. We sat down and Kim leaned in whispering into Clementine's ear making her blush a bit before she ruffled her hair and mine. 

"Be good, don't cross the floor drains, Clemmy knows the rules," Kim said, taking her backpack away to the locker rooms. 


Clementine nodded, and leaned against the wall, "yeah, no running, no jumping, no leaving the seats when someone is in the pool, no crossing the drains, and give the signal if you have to pee." 

I nodded watching the girls come out of the rooms. There were so many and they all had on our school colors with goggles and caps. They all looked strong and powerful, especially their legs. It was mesmerizing to see them all line up and dive in and the coach yelled for laps. 

"It's my fault we have rules," Clem mumbled and blushed, "I fell in the pool, the deep deep end." she pointed to the sixteen feet sign on the tile flooring. A gasp escaped me as I tuned in to her story. 

"I had to pee, so I got up but the coach blew the whistle and it scared me. I startled and slipped, I don't remember much, just reaching, fighting, but I know Kim pulled me out. She was so scared, it was the only time I'd ever seen her cry. Now I have rules," she finished softly closing her eyes with a cute smile. In the short time I've gotten to know Clementine I found that she's very clumsy, kind if like me but worse. Like falling, tripping, and bumping into walls is a part of her daily routine. And Kims always right next to her checking her injuries even when she doesn't realize she's hurt herself. 

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