Chapter 3: Crisis on Aisle Three

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I woke up slowly, sweetly and for the first time in a long time, I didn't have a smashing headache, and I didn't feel the desperate need to yank myself out of bed. It came naturally, the want to open my eyes and actually move. The feeling of rest settling in my stomach made me smile a bit as I pressed my face into the soft sheets.

Rosie's sheets.

She smelled so good, like lemons and Lilac. I didn't notice that yesterday, even when she was all over me, and then I was all over her. I fell asleep on her.

I was startled when I heard a knock at the door. I looked up trying and failing to see through my mess of pink hair. I pushed the nest out of my face as I met eyes with a woman. She was much shorter than Rosie, and she smiled brighter than her too. That was the first thing I noticed.

"Hello, Ms. Sifuentes said to wake you at seven, she says your outfit for the day is in the bathroom," she bowed before she backed out of the doorway, leaving the door open.

I sighed a bit before that turned into a comfortable yawn. I slid from the bed sheets and looked around the room, but my clothes from yesterday were gone. My phone caught my attention on the dresser and I snatched it up quickly. I hadn't looked at it since yesterday during school. Baba must be so worried, not to mention Jay.

I'm so stupid, I palm my face before I dial the first number at the top of my missed calls list.

The phone barely rang, and my heart pounded as I started to pace into the bathroom.

"ARE YOU OKAY!?" I pulled the phone away from ear as he yelled. He had every right to yell, if it were him I'd be yelling too.

"Yeah I'm fine, I just," I pulled on a smile as I caught sight of myself in the mirror. I look like a hot mess.

"YOU WEREN'T AT WORK AND THEN I WENT TO YOUR HOUSE AND YOUR DAD SAID YOU DIDN'T COME HOME-," he yelled through the phone as he panicked.

"JAY, I'M FINE!' I shouted over him ending his banter. I heard him sigh and I did too as I closed the bathroom door behind me and looked up into another wall sized mirror. The vanity was marble white and made the entire room feel more crisp and clean. I quickly spotted three piles of neatly folded clothes and next to the sink was a new toothbrush and a sticky note.

I picked it up slowly, but before I could read it Jay spoke, this time softly, but still with worry.

"Where are you?" He asked almost carefully. I hope he doesn't think I'm with Tae.

I shook my head quickly, getting my mind straight, "I stayed with a friend from work, I'll be at school later."

There was silence before he spoke up again, "are you with Tae?"

My heart dropped to my stomach as the question left his mouth, I knew it. I opened my mouth without a second thought, "No, Jay I'll talk to you at school, bye."

Once I ended the call my eyes drifted to the little note, the writing was in black and the calligraphy was absolutely beautiful, perfect cursive.

'Good Morning, Bella. I hope you slept well, breakfast is waiting for you, and Frank will drive you to school this morning. I also hope you like the outfits I picked for you'

The note was signed by Rosie and she left a small heart next to her name. I nearly melted on the spot as I smiled to myself. I don't know who Frank is, but he's not taking me to school; I can walk myself like I've always done. The last thing I need is a hot pair of wheels to drive me to the center of hell.

I chuckled to myself and decided on the first pile of clothes before picking up the new toothbrush and started to use it. After a shower I changed and pulled on my shoes. I left my bag downstairs yesterday, in the kitchen, I remember that much.

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