Chapter 13: No Pokes

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I woke up slowly, before I sat up just enough to get my bottle from the night stand. I wasn't ready to go back out yet so I stared at the ceiling and drank my water. I started to play with the fabric of my onesie as I daydreamed a bit. I was feeling so nice and peaceful on the inside. Calm.

The door slowly opened and Rosie stepped inside with a smile once she realized I was awake. I kept my bottle in as I turned to look at her, she didn't say anything before she disappeared into the closet and came back out with a diaper. I couldn't really find it in myself to care as she unsnapped my clothes and put it on me. The re-dressing was fast and easy and I felt somehow more relieved.

"How's my baby?" She cooed in a soft voice before she tickled my tummy. I laughed and squirmed as she played with me. The tickles turned into Peek-a-boo and I couldn't contain my laughter as she reappeared, she kissed my face drawing more laughter out of me before we heard crying.

She gave me a funny shocked expression before she smiled, "it looks like Nxyie is awake. Let's meet my sister, yeah?"

I nodded and pulled my bottle back into my mouth. She pulled me up into her arms. We walked out of the room but the crying had stopped. I put my head down on her shoulder as I watched Frank come out of the room with a girl in a black onesie. She cuddled him and wiped her tears away while he bounced her in his arms.

He smiled when he noticed us, "looks like everyone is awake from their nap time."

I met eyes with the girl and an instant shock of wonder passed through me. Who is she?

I leaned into Rosie as she rubbed my back, "who is that?" I asked. I suddenly felt like I was stepping over a boundary when I asked. I'm not usually this direct. But an ugly feeling roamed through me when I saw her cuddling closer to Frank. He never held me like that.

"That's Nyx, my little sister," Rosie whispered and kissed my head before she passed the two up and carried me down the stairs.


I didn't know she had a sister.

I don't know anything about Rosie really and up until this very second it didn't bother me, what else don't I know about her.

I looked at her as she sat me down in the chair from before. It was a massive high chair. I stared this time and watched her walk around the kitchen. I almost couldn't look away, I mean, she could be hiding anything, she could know everything about everything or everyone, but I don't know that, and she wouldn't ever tell me.

I know she's not that much of an upstanding citizen, the randomly placed fingerprinting locks, the safes, the cars, house, phone calls in the middle of the night. She's a teacher but that's not it, and I want to know more, but I don't know how to ask, or if I can ask.

Frank too, the way he held his own that morning. He was like some kind of bodyguard, like Lex.

They all know something that I'm not in on, that I probably shouldn't be in on honestly.

"Are you okay Sweetheart?" She asked putting the bowl down before she pressed her hand on my head. The house was warm, warm enough for me to not need pants, but all in all I was fine. So I nodded but she didn't believe me.

She even took my chin in her hand and looked me in the eyes.

"Are you sure?" she held my cheeks in her hands and I nodded even then.

She nodded too but I could tell she didn't believe me, but she gave in. Then picked up the bowl this time and looked at it for a bit before she got a spoonful of food and presented it to me.

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