Chapter 15: I Don't Get Cold

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I woke up alone. I don't remember Riley leaving. I sat up and rubbed my eyes and felt pulling around me. I was in my Jammies, long sleeve sailor moon onesie. I had on socks and even a bib and pacifier. I pressed my binky in and yawned before my door gently opened to Frank.

"Good morning, Nyxon, how are you?" He asked dropping the bars and lifting me out like he usually did.

"Riley," I yawned and laid my head down on his shoulder as he bounced me in his arms, patting my back.

"Oh, that's my hello?" He asked tapped my nose and I giggled. He carried me down the stairs and I rubbed my eyes like I usually did. I tried to get the sleep out, but I was still tired and everything felt so heavy, my body hurt, especially where Riley left her touch.

She has huge hands and a small part of me hopes that Frank didn't change my clothes, I'm sure I have more marks from her gripping, and holding me. She's so strong, it scared me at first, like how easily she shifted and lifted me.

I loved her holding me, her muscles tightened around me every so often, reminding me that she was still there. She kissed me so much, everywhere, she talked pretty to me, ran her fingers through my hair, everything she did made me shiver like I was being electrocuted, dipped in ice water, set on fire.

My wrists ached from where she held me down, I can remember, I can still feel her lips, teeth, hands all over me, sucking, biting, licking. I can't get her out of my head. The ache in my hips where she lay between my legs, making me cum to nirvana. She had to cover my mouth because I couldn't keep quiet enough, then the pinned my hands above my head because I could keep still either.

We- she didn't stop until I couldn't breathe, until I shook so hard and cried from the mind wrecking pleasure, she made sore, my whole body. I hoped she would still be holding me when I lost consciousness last night. Maybe that was too much to hope for, I mean, she was my first time?

"Are you alright? He pressed his hand to my forehead before I got a chance to answer. Then he pulled away, sitting me in my high chair before he dashed to the "drawer of pain" where he pulled out a thermometer. I frowned and clamped my mouth shut and slapped my hands over my lips to block the device.

"Come on, Nyxon, you're not looking so well, I'll be quick, I promise," he smiled and waited while I watched him. I gave in with his soft eyes and hopeful brows. Maybe I did look crazy staring off into space, so I guess I could give him this. I dropped my hands and opened my mouth just enough for him to put the device under my tongue. I hated it, it felt intrusive, and I didn't like the cold metal poking me in the mouth, it always made an itch that I couldn't scratch. Once it beeped he pulled it away with a frown and hummed before he looked down at me.

"It's a bit high, how are you feeling?" I huffed and shrugged my shoulders, I wanted to go back to sleep, on Riley.

"When does Riley come back?" I ask rubbing my eyes again.

Frank only clicked his tongue and pulled my hands away from my face, Rosa does that too, something about dirt. His hand lingered on mine before I realized his eyes had landed on my wrists as well. The cuffs of the long sleeve rode up a bit and he caught sight of the red. It didn't hurt, I didn't even know it was there.

"When did you get this?"

The doorbell rang, and I turned towards it to ignore it Frank while a few maids ran to answer. He pulled my attention back to himself with a snap, and I watched his eyes widen a bit for information. I shrugged pulling away, hiding my mark back in the sleeve.

He wasn't supposed to see that, only me and Riley. It's ours, we made it, "I don't know, it doesn't hurt."

I looked down feeling a rush of embarrassment from his heavy gaze. He makes me feel the same way Papi did when he does that to me.

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