Chapter 16: Fills and Feels

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I watched Bella bounce around the room in her headspace, right now, she was having a great time just playing with her bears and having a cute dance party. The girl could down to some K-pop. She blasted it and danced like there was no tomorrow.

I'm sure the speaks the language, but I've never heard her speak it clearly, sometimes I hear her mumbling it to her bears when she thinks I'm not listening. I've never thought to ask her if she speaks any other languages. She knows I speak Spanish, right? I don't speak it around her, I would rather not leave her out, my others didn't like when I spoke it around them, so eventually I just stopped. It was a hard to time to break Frank from doing that as well. I'm sure he speaks Spanish to Nyx, all the littles tend to revert to Spanish, especially Nyx when she can't get her thoughts out well enough in English. She cries in Spanish most times if she gets small enough.

Bells hadn't noticed me yet, belting out the lyrics to some song she'd had on repeat, it's her favorite for the hour, next time I peek in at her, it'll be some other song. Sporadically, I catch her staring at the boys, watching their videos, shirtless, I swear she drools.

"EXO is great, right?" She asked her Cinnamonroll.

I chuckled, "oh, are they new?"

She startled and turned around, and I watched red coat her face, I walked in slowly sitting on her bed, I should get her a crib, maybe.

She shook her head, biting her lips in to stop the smile that was trying to come out.

"Do I have competition, now?" I peeked at the screen she'd been staring at, and I saw a few large men with muscles, and they were very attractive. I will give her that.

"How can I compete with that?" I asked, pulling her into me by her tiny waist. She looked so much better, I'm sure she felt much better too, I could tell by her crazy dancing and fantasy lust. Her smiling made my heart beat hard for her. I had no idea how badly I needed her to be okay.

"Easy, you're mommy," she hugged into me and I smiled as I tickled her sides. She giggled, and I kept going until she was begging me to stop. I fixed her tube that had fallen from behind her ear, her patch was in the shape of a heart, and it kept it secure to her skin. She liked to pick out her tube tape, it was one of the new activities we got to do together.

She wrapped her arms around my neck and pressed her face into my shoulder, hugging me. I took it, we saw each other when we woke up today, of course, I dressed her, but I had to work, so I left after her feeding. I got her pretty settled with a show she liked before I had to be in a meeting.

She's really taken to her headspace after seeing Nyx run around the house with her bats, making them 'fly'. Nyx won't let her do much, I've noticed, but all in all, they get along very well. Like sisters.

I've caught Nyx calling Bells, 'BB'. She sees herself as older than

Bella, and I honestly think she is, their headspaces are so different though, so it's hard to tell for sure.

I squeezed her body a bit as she giggled more while she wrapped her legs around me. I smile and kiss her neck. It's been a few hours, and I'm still not finished with work, a few firms have called to complain about this and that, and I even had a problem with a local partnership in Thailand. Everything feels like it's going down hill, and I couldn't help taking a break when I heard her laughing and having such a great time.

"Where's Nyx?" I ask, softly kissing her cheeks. A different song started to play, and it made her wiggle into a fit of giggles and hums.

"She said she dates wile," she blushed and covered her cheeks. She must have finally felt them burning. It's like she's gossiping, and I love this cheeky side of her.

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⏰ Last updated: May 19 ⏰

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