Chapter 11: Guests

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Rosie's arm was securely wrapped around my body as she fed me, but I had quickly become tired of the soup. It was nice and creamy, but I've never been one to eat a ton anyway. Sometimes it felt like Rosie's portions were impossible to manage, needless to say I haven't finished a full meal in the time I've been here.

She came in with a smile and airplane noises as she rushed the spoon to my lips, but I turned away this time. I couldn't eat anymore. I didn't want to in the first place.

"Aw, just a bit more Sunshine, I promise!" But I shook my head and leaned into her. My head was feeling heavy and if I had it my way, we'd still be cuddling. Alone.

"Fine, let's get you some rest Little One, a nap is probably overdue," she said, picking me up after taking my bib off. I didn't want to sleep, at least not right now. I just want to be with her, to see her. I can't see her in my sleep!

She told Frank something that I didn't hear, while I shook my head at the impending nap time.

"No, no, no," a whine left me as I fell limp in her arms and whined louder for her to hear my disagreement but she just ignored me.

"You definitely need a nap," she whispered and kissed my head carrying me up the stairs into our room. She closed the door and put me down on the bed, but I sat up feeling the tears falling down my face. I don't want to take a nap. I rubbed my eyes and cried harder as she walked away from me. I felt so out of control and crazy as she shifted around the room leaving me in my sad irritating mood, but she came back and pressed my Jimi into my mouth, then laid down next to me.

"Bella calm down, you don't need to sleep if you don't want to, just lay down," I nodded and climbed on top again and hugged her close like I'd been wanting to since before she made me eat.



I stroked her hair as her breathing evened out. She's such a baby, even when she doesn't realize it. She fell asleep almost twenty minutes into squeezing me for dear life. God, I love her.

Woe, ignore that last part.

I closed my eyes too before I realized I had work to do, so I pulled out my phone and started to organize a few meetings and what-nots.

My phone started to vibrate as I saved the file to finish later, I answered quickly.

"Sifuentes," I answered, staring up at the ceiling. I kept my voice level and clear.

The voice flowed smoothly, striking me for a moment, "Rosa?"

I froze and my eyes fell into a squint, "Charlie." I was irritated for a second and then curious, so I listened.

"I miss you."

I smirked, "I said you would."

My hand kept running through soft faded pink waves, I watched the bouncing of her pacifier as she sucked it in her sleep, pausing every so often.

I cut in before more words could be up for exchange, I hate pests, "pause, quite frankly I don't care what you want. I'm curious as to why you thought you had the right to call this number again."

There was a silence, an irritatingly loud one and that pissed me off more.

"I'm waiting," I pressed. I also hate waiting for things that are due to me.

I rolled my eyes when the line went dead. I sighed, making a mental note to block the number as I closed my eyes again. I don't have the patience for idiocy today. Especially from the likes of Charlie.

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