67| The Second Trial

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After a vamp case where we ran into Krissy Chambers, the young girl from the Vetala case we worked a while back, we got an S.O.S call from Kevin. When Dean banged on the door of the main compartment, the Prophet answered with a huge cast iron skillet in hand, looking haunted, tired and unkempt.

"Whoa! Whoa," my eyes widened as we took him in. "Geez. What's going on? What's with the S.O.S?"

"It's him," Kevin replied as we entered the compartment.

"It's who?" Sam asked.


"What about him?" Dean asked next, all of us confused.

"He's in my head."

"He's... in your head," I echoed slowly, exchanging a look with Sam and Dean.

"Do you know what that means?" Kevin demanded.

"Yeah, it means we need to up your anxiety meds," Dean answered. "Kevin, you're dreaming. Look, if Crowley knew where you were, he'd do a hell of a lot more than mess with your head."

Kevin eyed him skeptically, frying pan still in hand.

"Alright, where's Garth?" Sam asked gently.

"On a case, or- or at the dentist. I don't know. I haven't heard from him."

"Okay, well, what did you want to tell us that you couldn't say on the phone?" I asked. "Would you put the frying pan down, please?"

Kevin set the skillet on the stove and then turned back to face us.

"I translated the second trial from the tablet."

"You... crazy Prophet, you," Dean chuckled. "Nice work."

"And if Crowley's in my head, he knows."

"Okay, he's definitely not in your head," Sam and Dean chorused.

"He's not in your head, Kevin," I told him gently. "It's okay. Just... we know you're distressed. Just stay with us, alright? What's the second trial?"

"An innocent soul has to be rescued from Hell and delivered unto Heaven."

"What?" Dean asked.

"'Unto'," Kevin repeated, misunderstanding Dean's confusion. "That's- that's how God talks."

"Rescue a soul from Hell? Like actually... go to Hell? How- how do you get a soul unto Heaven?" Sam stammered. "I mean, how do you even get a soul out of Hell?"

"We're gonna need an expert," Dean said.

After the crossroads demon we summoned told us how to find a rogue reaper to smuggle us across Hell's border, we tracked one down to a nearby city where it was posing as a taxi driver.

"Ajay," Dean greeted the reaper. "We need to talk to you for a sec."

"You know my name," Ajay removed his Bluetooth headset.

"And what you do," I added. "We want to do business."

"But you are mortal- flesh and blood."

"But if we wanted to cross the border into Hell-" Sam began.

"Visitor's pass," Dean chimed in.

"No one wants to get into Hell," Ajay pointed out.

"But could a coyote like you do it?"

"It's possible. But I have special skills. I have overhead. It will be pricey."

"How pricey?" Dean raised an eyebrow.

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