A Lesson in Patience

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I tumbled around with the pups but still deep in thought about the story. They yipped and bit at my tail. I licked them and rolled away.

Springing onto my feet just as Okeu leapt onto my back. He gripped on as I shook my fur then I rolled onto my back forcing him to let go. The others got onto my stomach and sat there. I flopped back my head, admitting defeat before scooping them all up and brung them back inside the den.

I licked the fresh snow off their pelts and dragged them to the back where it was warmest.

When the snow began to pick up the rest of them returned carrying the elk from last night and a few hares. The pups licked their lips and ran to eat the hares, some of the other wolves tore apart the fresh meat for the pups to more easily consume. I also walked over and ate with everyone else. It tasted wild, raw, and like I earned this meal.

Aki came to sit next to me.

"How'd it go?" She asked.

"Good. Tsura told me his story." I told her.

"Yeah? Now know why he doesn't like humans?" She asked. I nodded

"I can't believe his dad did that to him." I told her.

"There's no way they could have known." She shrugged.

"Do you have a family?" I asked carefully.

"Well my mother died a couple years ago, and she founded this pack. This pack is my family. But if you mean blood related then no." I nod understandingly.

"I don't have family either. My dad left for war 9 years ago, and my mom died shortly after he left, he should have come back 4 years ago at the very least." I groomed her ears. "What a small village, I hope they're ok without me hunting for them."

"They'll be ok." She reassured me. I nuzzled my face into her neck.

"I sure hope so." I mumbled.


"Ok now focus on the sounds." She whispered. Aki had brought me outside to practice being a wolf. My ears twitched but I didn't pick up any noises.

"I don't hear anything." I pointed out annoyed.
"Shh! You will just be patient." I sighed but didn't protest.

The snow that landed on my pelt and the snow under my paws was cold and wet.
Then I heard it, Like little claws scurrying in the snow. Opened my eyes but saw nothing. I breathed in and smelled something, but I couldn't put my paw on it. The footsteps sounded bigger than a rat but more agile than a bunny, and it sounded as if it were hunting. A smaller set of paws was also hearable, but it sounded like a shrew. Both animals sounded muffled by a barrier... like the sheet of snow. I looked down at my paws, trying to feel for any vibrations. Then I felt them. I knew where the little animals were.

I glanced at Aki for instructions, but after she caught my eye she pounced. Landed in the snow she stuck in her snow and pulled out a little white noodle-like creature with a black tail and small round ears. It sqeaked and squirmed trying to get away from Aki's jaws.

"an ermine?" I asked. "That's not very much food." She shook her head at my amark but couldn't say anything with the fluffy snow cat in her mouth. She brought me and the ermine to a field with many holes in the ground. The field smelled strongly of rabbits. The ermine sensed this too, squirming harder. A few rabbits jumped back into their holes but then Aki dropped the little creature and it ran into one of the holes that one rabbit just retreated into.

"Now stay alert, watch the holes and pounce on any rabbits that run." Aki told me, eyes locked on the field. The rest of the pack spread out to catch the rabbits. I stood at the hole the ermine went in. "If the ermine comes out don't kill it just shove it back in!" She hollard. I focused on my paws again for vibrations, and I felt something coming out of the hole on my right. I pounced on the panicking rabbit, killing it with one fowl blow.

We went back home with a rabbit in each of our mouths. We stalked through the deep forest in the opposite direction of our den.

Once we made it to the village we left some of the rabbits at the altar. The village people will find it there. Afterwards we headed home and slept the day away.

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