Woodland spirit.

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I yawn and blink my eyes awake. Last night was fuzzy, hard to remember. I stood up and looked around. A girl was laying on a sled while we slept around her. Now I remembered. I shook out my fur and stretched. Still tired from last night's long run.

I looked up at the steep mountain where the wind lashed against the cliff rocks, howling like a hurt wolf. A rock tumbled down the side, banging into each ledge it crumbed more and more, until it was just dust lost to the wind.

I nudged the other wolves awake. After some decisions we decided that Uroc would go and get the other wolves to help us get the girl into the safety of the valley. I nudged the girl awake and we began climbing the cliffs. Me at her right, Irakusa on her left, and Aki out in front finding a safe easy path up the cliff.

The rocks were harder to climb with a person leaning on you but still possible. And like I said earlier, it's less steep than the other side. Going up the mountain isn't and won't be the problem, but going down will be.

Muscleing our way up the mountain we eventually made it to the top.

The girl stared into the lush green valley with a smile on her face. She breathed in deeply, trying to take in the forest smells, but we were too high up. The rest of the pack met us at the top of the mountain.

Putting a big mound of fur between the cliff and the girl we shuffled down the mountain. Ungraceful but still moving as one creature we eventually made it to the bottom of the rocky slope, guiding the girl into the cave to tend to her injuries.

I started a low howl. Sharing energy and life source to warm the mood. Friendly playful licks and nose touches spread throughout the room. Happy to be back home and safe with the pack. The girl watched from her seat on the ground with fascination. And after greeting everyone I approached her with a nudge,

Stroking my thick warm fur she quietly thanked us for saving her life.

I licked her wounds trying to make them feel better before Nichusu stepped forward holding some plants in her muzzle. The girl smiled and shook her head, refusing the medicine.

"Can I just go outside?" She asked. Nichusu and a few other wolves including me looked out the cave entrance. When Nichusu looked back he nodded.

The girl stumbled to her feet and limped out the cave, letting herself fall towards the trees. I jumped forward concerned, The trees couldn't catch her! But the tree branches spread out their branches gently catching her in their embracing hug, and before we could comprehend that, her scars and wounds knit together leaving no evidence of ever being hurt.

The rope burns on her arms disappeared quicker than you can blink. Looking relaxed and much much stronger she thanked us for our noble help and disappeared into the green forest.

I held my nose up trying to remember what the girl smelled like. Had I not noticed or had she had no smell at all? The only smell I could think of was the ashy burnt smell of the fire she was shivering over when we found her.

The birds began to sing and the water from the stream sounded crisp and clean. Without communicating we all decided to go to the stream and drink down the cool fresh mountain water.

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