A misleading swamp.

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I stared at my paws. The sound of my steps created a steady rhythm. The village was far behind me. Well, I actually wasn't sure. I haven't looked up since I stopped running.

I had been running for a while. It had been a very long day. My eyelids drooping I continued on. Not keen on stopping to rest. I knew what lived in this swamp, I would not sleep.

The sun started to set again. It had been a whole day. I wanted to go home. I bit back a whimper while my eyes welled up with tears. If only I knew where the end of this swamp was.

I looked up to the sky. The swamp seemed so dark, and so large expanding in all directions with no end. I sat down and curled up. All hope seemed lost.

I tucked my tail over my face. Realizing I was still in fox form. I pushed myself up onto my paws, forcing myself to think about the wolf camp I had seen the day before.

'I am the fur that ruffles your back, I am the twist and shake of your tail. Let me appear in the shape of your body: no one can tell; others will fear; dare not come near! I am Myristica, I am changing, I am fox'

I repeated the words over and over in my head. Maybe if I repeated the chant.

"I am the fur that ruffles your back, I am the twist and shake of your tail. Let me appear in the shape of your body: no one can tell; others will fear; dare not come near." I repeated
slowly pausing for a minute before continuing.

"I am Myristica, I am changing, I am Wolf"
I looked down at my paws. Expecting them to turn grey and then white but they stayed black.

"Weird." A crack of a stick made me whip around. "Who's there?" I called into the dark forest. Another crack, but this time it was to my right, I turned again spotting a black stag with pale antlers.

"What are you doing in the middle of the swamp? Are you lost too?" The deer flicked its ears in response. I stepped forward. The deer's eyes widened but it wasnt looking at me.

With a flick of its tail it started running. I followed at its heels. Easily keeping up, but being careful not to be kicked. When the end of the swamp came into view the deer picked up its speed leaving me in the dirt.

I tried to pick up speed too but I stumbled falling in the mud. When I pushed myself up I was alone, to no one's surprise but mine. 'What had that deer been running from?' I looked back over my shoulder.

I was getting used to the creatures crawling around the corners of my vision and the bugs squirming just under the dirt. The trees always felt as if they were closing around you, gripping and scaping at your pelt. I focused on the forest. Trying to pick out the shadows of my mind and the actual forest.

'I just need to get out of the swamp.'

Turning towards the light filtering through the dark trees I picked my paws up. One after the other I walked toward the blinding light. Then I stopped. Turned around and saw what had scared the stag. A white fox stood over me, eyes almost glowing.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 07, 2022 ⏰

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