Sticky paws

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I had already eaten the rabbit and buried the bones when I headed into that dark forest. The big trees loomed over me casting a dark shadow over anything it covered.

I walked forward being mindful of my surroundings.

The ground was wet and sticky, maybe it had rained. Small sky holes were visible through the canopy, but the trees got closer and closer the deeper I went until the sky was gone.

A thought creeped into my mind. How was I going to find my way out?

I flipped back my ears and with my tail tucked in between my legs I stepped over a rotting log. Dejavu hit me like a truck. I stumbled backward away from the log, only now noticing the white bones sticking out of the mud like warning signs.

I scrambled to my feet. My heart fluttered in my chest like a trapped bird. WHY DID I COME HERE?!? I Thought frantically to myself.

The swamp seemed to close around me. Like a cornered cat my fur stood on end. My whole body quivered with anticipation to run. Images of that creature flashed in my mind. I saw it ripping me to shreds. I heard that howl. The howl of the creature that has plagued my mind for weeks.

My legs kicked into action. Propelling me away from that hair-raising, spine-chilling, nightmarish place. I gasped and panted, my breath wild and chaotic. My mind spinned. I had no idea where I was running. I was just running.

I wove around trees, almost too fast to dodge them. The ground began to be so sticky that I couldn't lift up my paws. I gasped for breath. I tried to listen for the creature but the blood pounding in my ears made it hard to hear anything other than my rapid breathing and heart rate.

I twisted around, snapping my jaw at anything that I could use to pull myself out of the mud that I was rapidly sinking into. My vision clouded over.

I felt jaws close around my scruff. A cold dred clutched at my gut. My fear had blocked out any sensible judgment on my situation. I struggled against this gentle grip, convinced these jaws were the ones I would die in. Mud was thickly coated on my face so I couldn't open my eyes to see my attacker. I kicked my legs even though that made the jaws grip my neck tighter.

When my feet felt solid ground I collapsed with exhaustion. I heard the creature next to me howl. I flinched. They're howl was returned from a while away. I could barely make out the sound of wolves running through the forest.

"Aki?" I yelped.

"Eh? Who's Aki? Young pup you are in the middle of a dangerous swamp. I was collecting mushrooms when I heard you pitifully yelping." A She wolf snapped at me with a thick accent.

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