Friends and fights.

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Warning this chapter includes dogfights, emotional abuse, and animal abuse. Stay safe friends <3.

Only one person in the crowd recognized me. It was Bay, my friend, or at least we were until I disappeared a week ago. They stared into my eyes as the sled passed by. Thoughts clicked in her head and somehow they knew, and I knew they knew. But to my surprise they slipped into the crowd of murmuring people. And my heart ached. I shouldn't have left them without even a goodbye.

I laid my head on my front paws and tucked my tail closer to my side.

I woke up a while later. The steady snowfall must have put me to sleep. I looked around for the man but I was alone in a shed. The sled was by a big door with the dogs standing at attention, all their snouts were pointed outside.

Must be where their owner was. I stood up and walked to the end of my crate in two stepps. Just far enough to barely see out the door. There were two guys talking. One was the dogs owner, the other was someone new. He had a big beard and a stocky build.

Wait. Was that Bay's father? I squinted. It was! I shook my tail slightly. Bays father handed the man some money and pointed at the barn.

With a nod and a handshake the deal was done. The two came into the shed.

The dogs happily wagged their tails as he got on the sled and rode out the door. I let my tail go limp as their father walked up to the crate. He was much bigger up close. I let my ears drop down. His eyes bore into me. This was not a nice man. I dropped onto my belly and without a word he turned and walked out of the barn. Leaving me cold and hungry, but out of the snow.


Morning came and all I could think about was Aki. Aki and Bay. I had spent most of the night thinking about them. I dropped my head.
"This is a weird question." Spoke someone from behind me softly. I raised my head again and turned around to see a person with long black hair and green eyes. "But are you Myristica?" I wagged my tail and stood up. Walking as close to them as I could. They stepped back a bit but other than that no fear showed through.

"I always knew you had the heart of a wolf." They carefully reached out their hand to the crate.

"Don't you dare go near that beast!" Their father snapped from the doorway. I barked in surprise and backed up bumping into the cage and dropping down onto my belly, becoming as small as I could. "That is a wild animal!" He yelled, pointing an aggressive finger at me while coming closer to us. I whined.

"No she's not!" Bay snapped back. "She's a majestic misunderstood animal!" Uncontrollable tears started to run down their face. I never knew their father was so awful.

"Go back to the house. I'll deal with it." He said. Putting on a straight face.

"No!" They shrieked. Standing in front of my crate. He pushed them aside like they were no lighter than a leaf. I growled when he did that, and he turned to me with anger like I bit his first born child.

"How dare you growl at me." He barked. I dropped my head and covered my face with my paws. Bay had left for their room feeling guilty, leaving me alone with him.

He yelled at me for so long by the time he was done my ears were ringing. He opened the crate and I backed to the far side of the crate. He grabbed me by my scruff and put me on the ground. He then took off my mussel and detached the harness.

"You, my friend, are going to be the best fighting dog." He put down a crate with a shaking dog inside, and opened it. "Now kill it." he pointed at the dog. I stayed exactly where I was, confused where the interaction had gone.

He took a hunk of meat out of his bag. "OR you don't get food." I looked at the small dog and back at him. No. I glared at him.

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