Muddy paw prints

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The wolves lead me through the swamp.
Some snapped at my heels. Cackling insults about being foolish enough to stumble into the swamp half witted and alone.

"Smart as a fish in a crocodile's mouth." "As much sense as a nat." "What a small wolf with such a large belly. Probably a human's pet."
They laughed to each other. But a noise from the forest made them all hush.

Everyone stopped moving. I strained my ears. A rustel deep in the forest. A buzz from an insect. The bubbling of a pool of water. Maybe it was the sound of pawsteps that made them stop. Whatever it was they stopped taunting me.

As we approached their camp it became apparent how many there were. I pawed off the mud and saw that we were standing in an open field. The swamp encircled the clearing from all sides, Serving as a wall since the trees were so thickly intertwined. The only entrance lay behind me. Guarded by two wolves who eyed me suspiciously.

My white coat stood out like a sore thumb surrounded by these wolves. Their pelts were colors of mottled brown. Blending in perfectly with the surrounding swamp.

These wolves dens were constructed out of branches and leaves, woven into each other to create a strong structure to sleep under.
I marveled at their settlement while they led me to their Shamen.


When we entered the shamans healing hut the wolf inside turned. She was draped with wooden bead necklaces and swamp vines. Her fur was old and matted, with splotches of red painted symbols.

"Who this?" The elderly wolf all but spat to the wolf guiding me, in such a thick accent it was hard to understand.

"This wolf was spotted just inside our border struggling in a mud pit." The wolf smirked. His shoulder was touching mine in the narrow room.

"You." She narrowed her eyes and walked closer. Staring up at me. "What did you see in that forest?" Her teeth bared slightly.

"I didn't see anything." I gulped, "But I did hear something." She maintained eye contact so I continued. "The howl of that black pelted creature in the swamp."

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