Another lost soul on the frozen wasteland.

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I woke up at sunset. The sun peeked into the cave illuminating the wolves coats with a golden shine. I raised my head and watched the sun slowly retreat out of the cave, taking its light with it. I yawned and stretched then got up to follow the sun.

The golden light fell over the valley, once the sun set behind the mountain it would be gone without a trace. I climbed up the rocks, higher and higher till the wind brushed my pelt and tried to tug it away.

I crouched lower to the rocks and watched the sun disappear behind the mountain on the opposite side of the valley. Feeling defeated for not catching the sun I started to hike back down the mountain, but not more than 3 steps down I saw a flickering light coming from the other side of the mountain top.

Not paying attention to logic I ran up the mountain, all the way to the top. The higher I went the steeper it became, the steeper it became the more my claws scraped on the stone and I lost my footing. Panting and tired I made it to the top, lucky to not have slipped and tumbled down the face of the cliff.

I looked across to the valley, darkness had set in and the only light came from the small village. The trees appeared to be a dark blue and the ground glistened with life. Snow was thick on the top of the mountain. The cold wind and snow snagged at my fur making me uneasy. Then remembering why I had climbed to the very top I turned around.

Outside the valley we all lived in was an icy, snowy wasteland, Thick with frost and snow. Light bounced off the snow from a campfire far off.

'Who was out there?' I squinted trying to make out if anyone was next to the fire. Disigions tugged at my heart. 'They could be in trouble, but also Aki and the others will be worried where I went. If I go to tell them the person at the fire could be dead by then.' I stared at the fire, flickering and dangerous. I howled to my pack, The noise echoed off the sharp cliffs sending the noise into the valley and far off into the snowy wasteland.

Not too long after a howl was returned. But instead of one wolf it was the whole pack rising up in one voice. I howled again. 'I'm over here, come quickly!' Barks and wines came from over the cliff, I reached down and helped up the wolves by grabbing their scruffs. Aki licked my face when they all got up.

"Don't do that!" She scolded, "You had us all worried." I licked her back then turned to where the campfire could be seen across the snow.

"Sorry I just saw the fire and got worried."

"Don't worry. They're miles away." She tried to reassure me.

"That's the problem, I'm worried they're hurt." I winned.

"Ok. Do you want to go out there and check?" She asked. I nodded. "Do you want me, Uroc, and Irakusa to come with?" She asked, cocking her head.

"Yes please." I nuzzled her. The other wolves headed back down the cliff into the valley, while we went down the other side.

Surprisingly it was less steep. The wet snow clung to our legs and paws, it got between our pads too. But we felt less cold than when we were on the mountain due to the wind.

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