A Shape Shifter at heart.

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She turned back to me and sat down. "Repeat after me."

"But-!" I squeaked. "I'm not a fox, I'm not even a wolf"

"Oh lopa I know that. I could smell it on you when you first walked in. A Wolfwalker. I've never seen one before. Now shut your mouth and repeat after me."

"How will I repeat after you if I'm supposed to be quiet?" I asked.

"shush, before I whack your mussel." She snapped.

"I am the fur that ruffles your back, I am the twist and shake of your tail. Let me appear in the shape of my body: no one can tell; others will fear; dare not come near!"

I repeated the words, no doubt skeptical, but I also felt a rush. My heart beat faster, the words slipping off my tongue naturally. "I am Myristica, I am changing, I am fox."

My pelt felt lighter, like a burden being lifted. I then shrunk down to half my size. Suddenly I was looking up at this wolf, fear gripped my stomach. They could kill me with one fatal blow.

I looked down at my paws ignoring my fear for a moment to look at the fox I had turned into. Suddenly recognizing who I was. I was that fox I had seen so many times sneaking around at night when I was human. I left out enough food so they wouldn't go after my chickens.

I was quite fond of this fox. I wonder how they're doing.

"This is surely an omen." She pushed past me out the door to look at the sky. I peeked my fragile head out the door after her. She stared at the clouds for a moment. "A hero has arrived." She muttered under her breath so quiet I almost missed it.

"Wait what did you say?" I trotted after her as she headed towards the entrance of the wolf village. "Tell me where you're going, crazy wolf." I yipped.

"Pipe down. If the other wolves see a fox in the village they won't wait for you to explain your story of 'actually being a wolf'" I stayed close to her side after realizing this.

When we made it to the gate she told the guard wolves to take a break and switch guard because she had a vision. They obeyed without noticing me and left into the village to find their switch.

"Listen here Lopa. The world will not be kind to you, but you must keep going. You need to find this white fox. She will teach you more foxcraft. But whatever you do you mustn't come back to this village." She glanced over her shoulder to look at the village with fear. "You are a strong wolf." She turned back to me, Her pupils grew bigger turning her eyes black.

I stumbled back, away from her. "Don't tell anyone your name. It will be your downfall."

She didn't come closer, Standing behind the line of the village. "Trust no one." Her fur started to stand on end, her ears flattened and the perked up again. She thrashed her head trying to walk forward out of the village.

I backed up away from her wild expression. Horrified I ran into the swamp, looking back I saw wolf skulls perched on the stick wall, I could almost hear their echoing howls following me into the swamp. Telling me to run.

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