Title was too long ;-;

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Here's the title;
The next chapter will be stupid decisions
for plot development, but right now we're being gay to please the author.

The next moonrise I slept until Aki nudged me awake to eat. I groggily raised my head and yawned. Aki handed me a quail and I began to munch on it.

"Tomorrow night would you like to go to Silver Wolf Waterfall with me?" She asked, scratching the ground with her claw.

"Yeah sure!" I smiled and wagged my tail. She looked away embarrassed. "Lay down." I pointed to the ground next to me with my nose.

Aki lowered herself next to me while I ate my bird. I twined my tail with hers and she snuggled her head into my side.

We both fell asleep like this. And when the moon began to rise again so did we. We stalked out of the cave with our heads low. Our tails swayed to the rhythm of our walking and the whispering wind whistled through the trees.

Our pelts were brushing each other as we made our way to the river and then followed it up stream. The rest of the wolves had not waken but before we fell asleep last morning told them we'd be gone by the time they awoke.

Aki nuzzled against me. "I don't know where I'd be without you." I nudged her back.

"Me neither." Aki turned away and led me through a thick part of the forest. The ground was sticky with tree sap and the moon blocked out, the only light was a subtle red glow. I got a sickly feeling but in no time Aki led me out of the forest and into a place with a shower of dew and droplets.

The waterfall bounced off the rocks and sprung into the air causing rainbows to glisten and dance. Green spongy moss several inches thick covered the forest floor. A couple of deer bounded away at the sight of us.

We laid down on a bolder behind the waterfall protected from most of the water. Aki laid her head on my shoulder.

"It's sad you're a wolf walker." She spoke at a normal volume but the waterfall made it sound like a whisper. "'Cuz I would love to run a pack together."

"Who says we can't?" I asked.

"Wolven code. Humans can't rule packs." She sighed, lifting her head off my shoulder to meet my eyes. I stared back at her for a moment before giving her a quick lick on the snout and burying my face in her fluff.

She lay her head on my neck and we just stayed there, breathing in the clean air of the waterfall and each others musks

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