NOTICE- Please Read...

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Hey guys, I have some bad news for you.

After a long time thinking about this, I am taking a break for he next month/month and a half.

Yes, I know. This isn't what you want to hear. You have to keep in mind that I love writing, but just haven't had the time lately to write more then a paragraph at a time. I hate leaving you guys hanging like this, but it really is for the best.

Track is literally taking up most of my time after school hours. We've started having meets and I don't get home until after nine, eat, do homework, then go to bed. That's at least once a week, up to three time a week. Even on the days that I don't have a meet, I am catching up on lost sleep.

I'm also potentially walking into some family issues. My grandpa had to get a bunch o tests on his brain, and we'll be getting the results tomorrow morning.

You guys don't know how bad I feel about this, you truly don't. Not only am I having to give up writing in this time, I'm giving up talking to all you guys and interacting with you.

You guys can expect me back around the middle of May, and I hope to have a nice, long chappie to make up for my absence. I also hope to be able to debut a side story that I've been working on when I can't get inspiration for The Only Guy. It may be a werewolf story, but I really like how it's turning out so far. I will try to come on sooner, but at this point I am literally unable to write. I am friend sorry, and just want to apologize to you guys for all of this.

-Kris (evilbunneh)

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