Chapter 14

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soooo... how is everyone? welllllllllll..... life is pretty good for me.....sooooo..... ya, nothing interesting rightnow......okayyyyyyyy.....

Contests: 3 

1: Be my 1000th fan! i'll read you stories (or poetry) and feature you on the next chappie after you get it! 

2: Come up with a name for Josh's voice! whichever names (like top 5) are said the most, i'll put up for you to vote for in a later chappie! 

3: Figure out what the passcode lock "5855" means! (you'll also get a feature!) 

-clue: initials! 

-clue: directly involved with the story itself! (not dealing w/ my personal life) 

- btw: i don't expect you to guess it exactly, but you need two main points that are crucial for it.

here's the story!  



Josh POV

Jenna was back to her perfect self; hair in high ponytail, crisp clothes. Everything. Perfect. Had this really been the Jenna that busted out crying in the middle of class under an hour ago? It couldn't be, could it?

"I got myself together because of my mom, now what do you want? I'm leaving soon and I haven't even started packing yet. Besides, shouldn't you be back in class?" No I shouldn't be. "And why shouldn't you be back?" Oops, did I just say that out loud? "Yes you did say that aloud, now answer me before I hand you over to Ashlynn." S***, no!

"I'm going with you to see your family."

Chappie 14!

Jenna POV

"I'm going with you to see your family."

Wait, what? Why would he be going with me to see my family? I voiced my opinion, and his only reply was that Headmistress Griffin thought it would be a good idea. I was too tired to contest, and in my mental lapse, I gave him no contest. We left an hour later.


Headmistress sent us to a car after we were finished packing, and I became very thankful that we had left during the school day; no one would see the two of us disappear from the school together.

Oh, how the rumors would fly.

I guess I had fallen asleep, as Josh was being kind and was gently shaking awake. I opened my eyes and stretched a little. As I got out of the car, Josh was nowhere to be seen. Knowing his luck he would get lost, he has quite a knack for it, actually. After all, he did get lost three or four times in one day.

The driver took my bags out of the car, and Josh's.

"Do you need assistance bringing them in, ma'am?" The driver had turned to me and looked at me questioningly; I suspected most girls from our school expected others to do even the simplest tasks from them. I honestly felt sorry for the man, he looked to be in his mid-to-late fifties, and I know that Josh's bags were heavy; I had mixed up our luggage and made an attempt at lifting it. That thing had to have weighed at least thirty pounds.

"No, sir, I'll just get one of those cart-things." He looked astonished, but quickly composed himself.

"Very well, ma'am, do you need anything else?"

"No, I'm fine. Thank you, though." I turned away from him, grabbing a cart that was a few feet from the car, and loaded up our bags. As I walked away from him I checked the watch Logan gave me a few years back, we had about fifty minutes until the plane boarded; I had plenty of time to find josh, get a bite to eat, and figure out what exactly I was going to say to my parents.

About Josh, my roommate.

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Josh POV:

I walked into the airport straight after the car stopped, not bothering to grab my bags. They would just weigh me down, I needed to find a girl and fast.


We both had chosen to sit in the back, Jenna and I, not wanting to be upfront with the driver. I guess the emotional crap got to her, because she fell asleep nearly instantly. I sighed, knowing that the hour-and-a-half long drive would be quite boring without being able to bug her.

She sighed heavily, seeming to mock me in her sleep, and amazingly snuggled up to me. Doesn't she hate me?

-Dumb bum! It is possible for girls to like you, but not in an I-want-to-make-out-with-you kind of way. Granted, you may have found one of the few girls that doesn't want more, but still.

I was just about to reply when Jenna curled up even closer to me, grabbing my arm a bit. Why did this feel so good?

-It's because she actually has more feelings for you than lust. THIS is what it's like, enjoy it savor it, love it.

It did actually feel rather nice- wait, no! Bad Josh! Bad! Short and worthless: good, long and meaningful: bad, that's how my "relationships" go. But if that was true, then why was I doubting myself so much?

**Flashback End**

And that's where I found myself about an hour later. Trying to find an unattached girl to distract myself from the one I think I'm beginning to like.

I can't develop feelings like this, not again.

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Jenna POV:

I made my way across the airport, taking my time to notice everything around me. I would have to savor the time I had where it just me and relative peace. After my plane ride I knew that I would be literally sent to H*** and back. If I survived it, it would be a miracle straight from God himself.

This particular airport was actually quite beautiful, there were models of airplanes and other flying machines from the past and from today. It was all quite magnificent, there were even a few clothes stores, and the food court actually smelled like it contained edible food! Amazing!

I noticed several guys staring at me, blushing I headed for the girl's bathroom, the one place I would be able to get away from the looks. Did I have a giant pimple on my face? A random red mark?

Why were guys staring at me?

It actually kind of felt weird, being out in public, that is. This was the first time that I had been out in the eyesight of people that I didn't know. Sure there had always been the school trips, but whenever the school had a field day, or a town day, they would rent the entire place out so that there would be no runaways (*cough*ASHLYNN*cough*), and go screw a guy, literally (AGAIN *cough, cough* Ashlynn).

It was during those trips that I had come close enough to someone, just close enough, to consider them just above the ranking of acquaintance. That is the closest thing to a friend I have.

Sad, I know.


I had just eaten the best Chinese takeout of my life, and was now sitting reading one of Jane Austen's books when Josh staggered over to me, looking a bit drunk. He plopped into the seat beside me and landed a sloppy, wet kiss on my cheek. I wiped it off, not needing to be discreet; Josh was too far gone to notice anything. I was glad though, that he had managed to arrive here fine, albeit a bit drunk. The flight attendants called for our plane to board.

I pulled Josh up a bit, putting my arm around his shoulder, to steady him. Somehow we managed to make it on, now I just faced a four-hour plane ride keeping him happy.

Oh, how wonderful life was!

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