Chapter 22

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Soooo.... you guys are about to hit the 250k mark an the reads! nearly 5000 on the votes too!!!!!!!\ 

needless to say, i'm about to faint. 

but i want to be short up here, i realllllllllllyyyyyyyy hope you guys had a good day on thursday! i did, even though it didn't feel like thanksgiving (but that's for another time). my family and i went to michael's, where i got a good-quality sketchbook for 6 dollars! BOOM BABEH!!!!!! haha, sorry, i'm a bit hyper.

but anyway guys, thanks. thanks for all the reads, the comments, the votes. I want to be published someday and you guys really help me out. Whenever i'm feeling down i think of all the comments saying "UPLOAD!!!!" and it makes me elated beyond belief.

in honor of this, i am dedicating this chappie to... LittleMrsBelikove! Congrats! Our convo made me laugh sooo much!


(Josh POV:)

"Rick, this is Josh. He's a... friend from school." One of Rick's eyebrows rose at that, and he looked first at me, then at her, puzzled.

"But don't you-" He was beginning to ask something, but Jenna cut him off.

"Yes, I still go to an all-girls' school. No, he is not a girl in disguise as a boy." I gave her a questioning look that she promptly ignored. "He goes to my school to get some of the older girls accustomed to having a male presence. After all, it's not like the world is free of guys. And another yes: he is just a friend."

Chappie 22!

Jenna POV:

I could not believe how much Rick had changed since I last saw him, before he looked much more like he did when he still had to get Cindy's approval. The "Cindy-approved look" was more of a clean-shaven, polo-wearing, black slack, kind of appearance. Now, he was the exact opposite of what she would want, and it made me so proud.

"So how are you doing, maybe-gravy?" He moved me so he could get a good look at me.

"Really good Rick, it's rather nice to be able to escape my mother and aunts. How are you and Bridget doing?" He still had partial custody of Bridget, for which I am extremely grateful for. If Bridget didn't have an influence like Rick in her life, she would eventually be changed into one of "them", even if it was unwillingly.

"Bridget and I are decent. We were going to do a photo-shoot this weekend at the lake..." ...Until Logan was in the accident. I pulled him in for another hug, somehow knowing he needed comforting. I was really the only one he could break down in front of.

He and I were each other's confidants, I never talked to anyone at school except when a project was the main and only subject, and he didn't have anyone that he close to except Bridget, Logan and myself. Obviously, he couldn't exactly go to Logan right now, and Bridget was the one that went to him for comfort.

"It'll be okay, Rick. Logan's going to pull through, he knows that if he doesn't I'm going to pull him down from heaven and kill him myself." That earned a small chuckle from both him and Josh. "So how is Bridget holding up?" He grimaced, instantly setting free my imagination. Was she near comatose herself? Was she catatonic?

"She's...alive. She's in her room if you want to see her-" I didn't hear what he said after that, I was already three-quarters of the way down the hall.

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Josh POV:

Jenna left, taking after what I assumed was her cousin's room. I chuckled quietly, thinking about the contrast of her behavior at school and when she's with her family -at least the ones that are actually decent to her. At school she may be aloof and shy, but here with them it's like she has no inhibitions.

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