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I took her through her x rays and brain scan quicker than I ever have, making them rush the scans back to me.

I put her in an ER room, starting to clean the blood off of her, making sure she didn't need stitches or anything.

I could see a perfect shoe imprint on the side of her face, making me rub over it gently, feeling her jump away from my touch, wincing.

"A bruise?" She asked slowly.

"A converse." I mumbled back, almost immediately seeing her smile.

"Can you actually see a shoe print?" She sounded amused.

She then made me take a picture and show her, which immediately had her laughing.

"Im so glad that you're taking this well, but I'm genuinely worried that this is the concussion making you feel this way." I told her as Ashton ran in, panic written on his face.

"Oh it's definitely a mixture of shock and the concussion, I'm going to be a mess when this is all over."

Good to know.

Soon scans were back and she had two broken ribs and a pretty serious concussion, but thankfully no brain bleed.

We started her on concussion medicine, stressing to her that she could sleep for now.

We then put cooling rags everywhere she said that hurt, ashton holding an ice pack to the side of her face, where the shoe print was.

Soon Michael joined us, us all sitting in the bed together, comforting her and waiting on Luke, and I watched the shock slowly fall out of her body, and the worry began.

"You all told me not to fight and then this goes and happens- what it Luke gets mad at me- what if he doesn't want me anymore because I'm-" "stop" Ashton spoke slowly, making her stare to him, tears in her eyes.

"What happened today was not your fault. It could've been avoided, but you were doing nothing but defending yourself. You are a victim in this situation, no one is mad at you." Her tears swelled more and more as he spoke to her.

"I just don't want to disappoint him- he's done so much for me and going to school was the one thing he really wanted me to do and I fucked that up-" he walked in as she spoke, making her stop, tears rolling down her cheeks as she did.

"Harley" Luke spoke calmly, considering he knew nothing about the situation barely, knowing he was only hearing the information we told nurses, which wasn't much due to him being in surgery.

"I promise you, not a bone in my body is mad at you, I am sorry that I ever put into your head that I'd be mad at you for defending yourself." I watched the worry wipe off her face as he told her that.

"Now, don't be upset about the school either, I shouldn't have tried to force you into something that you vocalized several times that you didn't want to do, specifically because that girl was there." He continued.

"I am sorry that this happened to you. I'm sorry that I let this happen to you." More tears fell down her cheeks as he spoke.

"But I promise you, I am not mad at you. I am absolutely going to make this up to you and we are going to get those girls in trouble for what they did to you." He spoke firmly, making her wipe her tears.

I squeezed her hand gently, feeling her hiccup lightly.

"Can I just have hugs, please?"

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