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Today was the day we had planned to go snorkeling, and Harley was beyond excited.

We got on the boat assigned to us, almost immediately realizing how rough the water was, making me instantly move closer to Harley, making sure she was okay.

"We're gonna sit here for a while and see if it'll calm down before we put you guys in!" The instructor told us, making us all agree.

"This fucking sucks." Ben was the first the be honest, making us all laugh.


I watched all the color drain from Harley's face.

She was facing away from Luke, looking towards the water, breathing deeply.

"You okay Har?" I asked, making everyone turn their attention to her.

"I'm going to puke." She told us and immediately the crew heard, running her throw up bags, which she thankfully got right in time.

From that point on, she couldn't stop.

As the instructor tried to get her to put her suit on to get in the water, himself thinking she would feel better in the water- she couldn't even stop throwing up for that,

Jack was holding her hair as she dry heaved for probably the thirteenth time.

"I think we're going to have to call it." Luke told the instructor.

"I'm telling you guys, once she's in the water it's going to go away, she's just motion sick-" "mate she can't even stop throwing up to get in the water, let's go back to shore." Ben spoke for us, making the instructor hesitantly nod.

As soon as we got her onto shore, she was still puking.

"Never again." She whined out as Luke held her hair, rubbing her back.

"Yeah, definitely not your best moment, pretty girl" Jack laughed out, making Luke roll his eyes.

We got her home, where we gave her medicine and made her lay down and drink fluids until she felt better.

"How's our girl?" Jack asked after Luke came back from checking on her.

"Still nauseated, but she said it's much better, she'll be up shortly." He smiled to us.

The six of us messed around in the backyard, swimming in their pool and such and soon Harley joined us, finally having her color back and appearing much happier.

"Sorry I ruined the snorkeling trip." She laughed out after a few moments, making us all send her a little wave to dismiss it.

"I was honestly scared of getting in that water with those waves anyway." Jack laughed out.

We played pool games and volleyball for a while before we all ran to grab dinner, eating it outside together.

I pulled Harley closer to me once we were both finished, making her smile as she leaned into me.

"You okay?" She asked me as we both looked to the sunset.

"Yeah of course, you?" I asked her, seeing her smile.

"Of course." She immediately smiled back.

The next day each of the guys had it planned to go spend the day with our individual families, Harley was supposed to go with Luke, but for some reason, she was not wanting to- at all.

All six of us stood around her as she looked to us innocently, exhaling as if she was in the most difficult situation ever.

"Why don't you want to come with me?" Luke asked, making her groan.

"It's not that I don't want to come with you- I want you to have time with your family-" "you are my family." Luke spoke firmly, making her throw her head back, exhaling.

"Come on kiddo, we are going to have a fun day-" "and you guys deserve to spend it with just you guys, i will be fine staying here." She interrupted Jack, seeming pretty firm.

"I'm not leaving you here, this is literally a vacation we planned because of you." Luke spoke firmly.

"And we have done so much, one day of me staying here and catching up on sleep so that you guys can enjoy time with your family means nothing." She spoke.

She had a reason for being as difficult about this as she was being, but she wasn't telling us anything.

"Do you want to come with one of us instead?" Michael asked, referring to himself, Ashton or me.

She hesitated for a second but immediately said, "no, I want you guys to just be with your families."

"Harley- you're being ridiculous, you know you're my family. If you refuse to come then I'm not going, it's that easy." Luke spoke, his patience running thin, which made Harley immediately groan.

"Fine" she gave in, almost whispering.

"Okay- go get ready." He spoke to her, making her do as said.

"Does anyone know what this is about?" Luke then asked the room, making us all shrug in almost unison.

"I'll talk to her and see if I can figure it out."

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