18 | these perfumes

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Before our puny lives all go to hell
Arise, obey the summons of the bell
The caravan will carry her far away
And with her all that fragrance?
Who can tell?

- Rumi, These Perfumes


April 1864

Laurentis Manor | New Orleans

Adelia lifted her feet off the ground as the swing rose higher and let her hair caress her face. She laughed at the height of the book lying on the ground and made a stronger push with her feet.

A hand-picked the book and dusted it off and looked at her. Klaus remarked, gently nudging the swing to a halt. "Your grandmother says it is not appropriate for you to swing that high."

"And she couldn't have said so herself?" The pregnant witch narrowed her eyes. "I am not allowed to do anything, go anywhere. Please let me have this."

"At the expense of facing Sharel's wrath? No," the Original smirked. "What is this?" He asked, pointing at the book.

"That's Mr Reynolds' diary," she said with a smile, adding, "He's always wanted something built back at our home." I might be able to do something about it once this child arrives. My mobility is iffy, and I don't want to disturb father or Rafael about it."

"Hmm, do you know who penned these dreary journals?" Klaus asked, "My brother Elijah," he exclaimed, hoping for a glimmer of recognition.

"I hope everything is going well with your brother," Adelia responded with a genuine smile. "Grandmother told me you sent him on a retreat to take his mind off things."

Klaus remarked to himself over Sharel's dark sense of humour as he peered at his brother's object of affection, who was now expecting another man's child. With the Laurentis family in shambles as a result of the revelation, the father was far from a nobody. The father could certainly reach forth to her if the matriarch had to go far as to alter their heir's memories. But then, where was the father and why were the Laurentis still in the crescent city?

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