13 | elements of delight

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When that which is now hidden is revealed
To you and beauty draws aside her veil
The phial of perfume is finally unsealed
And you may sip from out the holy grail
These assembled elements of delight
Will launch a new star in the starlit night.

- Rumi, When It Is revealed


"Hello," Adelia greeted into the phone, burrowing herself in the pillow.

"Hey beautiful witch. Long time no see," Damon said from the other end and she squinted her eyes at the screen, letting out a huff.

"Be a little original," she smirked, turning her head to look at a sleeping Elijah. "It's 4.30 in the morning, Damon."

"Sassing me, are you?" He snarked.

Adelia sighed an answer, "It's manners, but whatever floats your boat, Mr. Salvatore."

"The thing is suit&tie has become my favourite person," he said and the witch chuckled.

"Hmm. Indulging in a love affair behind my back you two," she hummed, switching on the bedside lamp. "I am very curious since you and the Original mix like oil and water."

"Fortunately, you aren't invited in the twosome," the Salvatore smirked.

"Sad little me," the witch humoured and turned around to trace her finger on Elijah's brow, making him stir.

"How sad," he continued.

"Very sad," she said as the Original grabbed her hand softly to place a gentle kiss.

"Tell him his little brother is terrorising innocent citizens of this peaceful town and that we need to talk," Damon said.

"Why?" She feigned a gasp, "Big ol' you not enough for Klaus that you want his big bro's assistance."

Elijah opened his eyes and plucked the phone from her hand, dropping a small kiss on his wife's collarbone before getting out of bed.

"Mr. Salvatore. How may I help you?" He rubbed his eyes and switched off the lamps. Tucking her in, he smiled apologetically and walked towards the balcony.

"Now you're talking," the Salvatore smiled into the phone as the witch watched him shut the door behind him before she closed her eyes.


"I was unaware that you will be in attendance this evening," Elijah initiated, his gaze never leaving Adelia's.

"The weather is very pleasant. We thought why not indulge in it?" Arnold replied.

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