3 | scent upon the breeze

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My beloved is hidden by that veil
Try and conjure her face and you will fail
What your eyes cannot conjure my heart sees
Her perfume is the scent upon the breeze.

- Rumi, Behind The Veil


1922, Chicago

A man in a suit held the hand of a woman, walking down the streets at a fast pace, their fingers intertwined. His appearance had a weary edge while her perfectly curled hair had escaped the constraints of the hat, billowing behind her in the windy night.

Their shoes clicked on the footpath as they neared their destination when the man suddenly rushed them behind a counter, putting a hand over her mouth to still their movements.

"...Have you seen these two?" they heard his voice ask someone. Her eyes widened fearing the worst. They turned their heads towards a broken mirror to catch his reflection showing a man the sketch in his hands.

"I've never seen those people before in my life," the young man replied, making the couple sigh in relief.

"Wrap it up, boys. We're through here," he ordered and walked away but not before looking around the bar once again.

The couple hastily exited the bar without giving it another glance.

"They are gone but he is ought to be on their trail when he is this close," the woman spoke as they took shelter in an abandoned building.

"When is the ship leaving the port of New York for England?" he asked her.

"A week from tonight, Mr. Mikaelson," Adelia answered warily.

"We shall give him a fresh trail, my love. Keep him away from Rebekah and Niklaus," he kissed her forehead as a drunk man walked in. He rushed forward, biting into his neck roughly before throwing him outside the building.

Adelia glanced up at Elijah who nodded and she stepped back before he proceeded to bite into the necks of the men that followed the first. A tear slid down her chin and she looked away, knowing the demons that haunt him will never cease their torment.

The lone man thrown out earlier, rushed into the station with bite marks. Before succumbing to blood loss, he uttered a single name, 'Niklaus'.

Staring at the dead man on the floor, Mikael nearby smiled wickedly.


A hand tapped his shoulder and Rafael unplugged his earphones to look beside him. "Miss Jemma Sonners, pleasure to meet you," he extended his hand to the female whose eyes narrowed.

"Jenna Sommers," she corrected him.

"Is it?" he raised his brows, "I apologize for the little joke."

"Haha. So funny," she impassively replied, making the older vampire step back with a grimace.

"You can very well take another car. This one has Italian leather seats," Rafael touched his car fondly. "I call her Senorita."

"Oh sorry, I heard semolina," Jenna smirked when his fond smile disappeared.

"Of course Jemma, I recommend a hearing aid," he rolled his eyes when she dropped her luggage over his foot.

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