6 | receive his grace

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Moonlight stretches out against the skies
Your share of it depends upon the size
Of windows in your room. Your glass of wine
Dictates the granted measure of divine
Infinite love; and you'll receive His grace
According to the breadth of your embrace.

- Rumi, Capacity


Rebekah stood annoyed at the tarmac as Klaus tapped his foot rapidly against the gravel. When a sound of distress reached their ears, he sighed and gestured to his sister to which she grumbled loudly and obeyed.

A loud snap echoed the air when a car screeched and Rafael got out, equally annoyed.

"It's not every day Adelia rings you up at eight in the morning for help. I am not surprised to see what help she needs and let me tell you, I hold my sleep in very high regard than you all," Rafael informed and gestured at his hand. "You are here," he kept the palm at his waist level, "and my sleep is here." He finished it above his head. "Kindly understand my level of annoyance right now."

"Rafael, you are still alive," Rebekah quipped, eyes trailing up and down his form.

"Stop with the googly eyes," he waved it off as her smile turned into a pout. "I have things to do, i.e., sleep. Get in the car."

"We have company," Klaus said and pointed behind him as Rafael's brow raised up.

"Don't tell me he is one of your sister's endless boyfriends that she abducted to appease her soul," the friend said as Rebekah glared at him while Klaus' lips twitched. "Do you want me to dispose of the body?"


November 1862
New Orleans

"I sincerely hope they do not recognize me," Adelia whispered into Jasper's ear as he smiled and looked ahead.

"You can remove the veil. I wouldn't have brought you to the parade if you were to be harmed. I would never endanger you," the betrothed reassured her.

"This is acceptable. But grandmother is not aware of my presence here," she continued and stole a glance of Sharel at the very front.

"Oh, dear. Is my bride too mischievous?" Jasper humoured.

"Father and grandmother do not let me explore the city. They say it is not safe. While I understand the reasoning but I will not be caged."

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