2 | my love is now accused

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'Why,' he asks, 'do you gaze in my face?'
'You are the light that dominates all space.
So where else in creation would I look?
You are the stars, the ocean, mountain, brook.
Of flamboyance my love is now accused
My heart's a drum, its beating is excused.

- Rumi, Light On Light


January 1862
Alexandria, Louisiana

"Your father has chosen to not get involved and take a side in the war. You should expect retaliation," the man replied.

"The generals cannot force us to give them soldiers if it is not what the townsmen desire," she told the man, eyeing his drink.

"This is war and you father will not be able to keep it out for any longer. Cloverville has resources and only a fool wouldn't want that in their pockets," the man laughed and saw her watching his glass before he passed it to her.

"My father trusted you." Adelia blinked, looking around the room to see minimal companions. Her gaze fixed onto a man entering the room and Adelia's companion followed her gaze to look behind him.

"Many people trust me," the man replied impassively.

"I am aware," she breathed out and passed the drink to him who nodded slyly.

"Of course," he said taking a huge mouthful of his drink. "I will give my regards to the General."

Adelia smiled and started rearranging her veil, "You have my condolences." She stood up as he frowned in confusion.

She curtsied politely, bidding farewell and started to walk away as the man began coughing vigorously. Adelia opened the door, hearing the glass shatter to the floor and entered the corridor, ignoring the dying man as the passers-by rushed towards the room.

Suddenly a hand caught her wrist and pushed her into a room by the corridor, surprising the witch, who immediately took out a knife hidden in her sleeve.

He pinned her to the thin wall, holding the hand with the knife to direct the sharp edge towards her own neck.

Her unoccupied hand found the holster at his side, the sound of a revolver uncorking resounded the room as Adelia pointed it into the man's stomach, finger ready to press the trigger until she saw his face illuminated by the candle beside the bed.


The Original's heart stopped as he recognized the voice.

Adelia lowered the gun, breathing heavily with the recent adrenaline as he remained silent. His ring finger slowly trailed up the fate line of her palm to retrieve the weapon from her grip. The shawl adorning her shoulders slid down to the floor simultaneously.

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