16 | his divine face • i

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The fellow feeling of the human race
Is the portrait of his divine face
Your fellow traveller can feel your pain
He shares with you the sin and mark of Cain

- Rumi, Fly


Adelia walked down the stairs hesitantly as her eyes roamed around the walls of the manor, the diamond sitting heavily on her fingers.

She looked at her feet nervously as the black garb felt itchy on her skin. As the witch entered the dining room, the hushed conversation fell silent.

Sharel took a deep breath and went back to chewing her food as Arnold looked away immediately.

"Where is Raffie?" She asked the occupants when the said man entered with a skip in his steps.

"Oh, you're up!" The Desmond exclaimed and patted her head. "You gave us quite a fright, asleep for almost a week."

"Were we departing for Seattle?" Adelia enquired, confusing the lad.

"Seattle?" He chuckled, "Did the plans change without my knowledge?"

"Adelia, darling. You are not supposed to venture out," Sharel spoke from her place.

"Yes," he said, rolling his eyes and continued, "locked up in the tower."

"We will ponder over our departure when her mourning period passes away," the matriarch answered.

"Mourning?" Rafael asked, genuinely confused, noticing her black gown for the first time. "Mourning whom if I may ask?"

"Raffie! How can you speak ill of your cousin?" The younger witch exclaimed as a tear slipped past her eye.

"Jasper?" The man was dumbfounded at the mention of his cousin who had passed away more than a year ago. "Your mourning period for him has ended a while back."

"Are you making a spectacle of my grief?" Adelia sniffed, looking at him. "Grandmother has told me how devastated I have been since his passing," she uttered and slowly continued, "How utterly disgraceful of a wife I am that I do not even remember my husband."

Rafael's eyes widened as he turned to look at Sharel.

What was happening?

"It's trauma, my love," the matriarch impassively replied, cupping her cheek. "You will remember them as you settle."

Desmond glanced at the patriarch who seemed to have not heard such blasphemous statements come out of his daughter's mouth, least of all his mother's.

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