• | they are the prey

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Trees are rooted in the ground,
They fear
The sound of sawing wood
– It draws near
They are the prey of every
Saw-toothed will
Because they draw their life
By standing still

- Rumi, Science


Sharel watched her granddaughter sleep, tired due to exhaustion and a victim to fate's game once again. Adelia turned on her back in her sleep, her fingers uncurling from the pillow to rest on her stomach.

The matriarch's attention went to her belly which will soon become an evidence of her foolishness with an Original. She wanted to glare at it; she really did, but instead chose to purse her mouth.

The child that will give her little Adelia nothing but pain and misery, an unwanted thorn for the rest of her life in the form of Elijah. Arnold was yet to know and she could only imagine his displeasure.

She sat down on the bed and caressed her granddaughter's stomach, feeling the dark magic brewing under her palm. She was certain the child was a siphon as well, the earlier instances of black veins coming to her mind. If not for the pendant around Adelia's neck, the child would've siphoned off every entity his mother touched. She wondered if this is why her granddaughter was chosen–for her abilities.

"I will always choose Adelia," Sharel whispered to her granddaughter's belly and continued, "and you will never be my priority." She got up, tucking in her son's darling little child who snuggled into the heat a moment later.

She closed the bed curtains and pulled open a drawer to pick up a frame of Adelia and her late betrothed Jasper as a smile slowly graced her features. He truly made her granddaughter happy. She pulled out a diary and opened it to see it belonged to the man himself, Adelia's new scribbling alongside the physician's dated chicken scratches. His dream of a safe abode taking a form in her granddaughter's able hands—Lumiere it said.

The Beauchêne witch smiled and plucked a lone photograph from the pages of the diary, one of a smiling Jasper Reynolds. There were too many ifs that it hurt her head. All she wanted was for Adelia to be happy and this man made her happy.

The unborn child that had its father's name will never be in peace. She did not hate the child; it had her blood running in its veins after all. But she did not want that association with the Mikaelsons, it was a curse in itself. She only wanted Adelia's happiness and not a reprieve.

Sharel smiled forlornly and kept the picture inside the diary. As she put the things back into the drawer, her hand stilled with a thought.

She stared at the photograph of Adelia and Jasper in a frame and then glanced towards her sleeping granddaughter who was cradling her unborn child, still not made aware of its existence. The matriarch gulped and looked at the frame in her hand.

She will protect Adelia from her own self, the matriarch thought bitterly. If her granddaughter wanted happiness, she will give that to her. No Original or his association with Adelia's child will take that away.

Sharel blew out the candle with determination in her eyes, clutching the frame to her chest.

She now knew what to do.


A/N: This is kind of an intermission. I haven't drafted the next chapter yet, might start this week 😛 ok bye 🏃‍♀️

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