12 | stain of condescension

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So does the Sufi  
With no stain of condescension
Bring the essence of Him
To our frail attention

- Rumi, Child's Play


November 1863
Fleureau Manor | New Orleans

Adelia abruptly opened her eyes when she heard the floor creaking and sat up on the bed. Waving her hand, the candle lit up and she moved the canopy curtain to find no one. Exhaling deeply, she laid down on the bed again, curling the pillow in her fist when the curtain to the window fluttered in. The witch sat up again and climbed down the bed to move toward the window.

Bare feet hit the wooden floor softly as she fingered the nightgown cautiously when a pair of arms wrapped around her waist making her flinch in surprise. Sliding the sleeve down her supple shoulder, a pair of lips descended on her nape as her giggle echoed the room.

"Elijah, you shouldn't be here this late," Adelia softly reprimanded, turning her head to look at the Original.

"Are you banishing me from your chambers?" He teased her, twirling a lock of hair between his fingers.

She nodded vigorously, her features mocking him. "Indeed I am," the witch whispered.

Elijah bent down to her ear as she shyly tried to roll up her fallen sleeve. "I am truly hurt, my love," he said and halted her hand at her shoulder. He twirled her around to face him, earning surprised laughter from her. "I demand compensation for my broken heart," he finished quietly.

The witch wrapped her arms around his neck, rising up on her toes to look him in the eye. "And how do I compensate?" She asked with a pout.

Elijah furrowed his brows in thought and trailed his thumb over her cheekbones. "I might be persuaded with a little kiss," he demanded.

"That is too easy, Mr. Mikaelson," Adelia smiled and pecked his cheek instead.

As she moved away from the hard stubble of his jaw, he closed his eyes and murmured, "Such childishness."

"You had to be more specific," Adelia smiled coyly. She moved to walk away when he pulled her back, wisps of hair sticking to her face.

"Let the gentleman return the gesture," Elijah hummed and removed the locks before he connected their lips with an urgent fervour.

Suckling her lips, he walked them as the back of her knees hit the bed lightly. The Original pushed open the curtain to lift her onto the bed, dropping her on the mattress with a soft thud.

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