Chapter 2

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Once the planes touch down, there is a lot of activity. Humans are skittering around like ants to take care of things. 

The Autobots are ushered inside the base by some soldiers. Lennox is already waiting for them on a platform.

"I see you made some friends, Optimus" he comments with a glance at the newcomers.

"Indeed, general Lennox. I'd like to introduce Bumblemus Prime and her team," the Prime replies.

"Pleasure to meet you" Bumblemus says.

"Sup, name's Shrek" the black mech says with a little informal salute.

"I'm Willowisp" Wisp says a bit quietly, but with a smile.

"Angelblade" the blue femme says with a big grin on her faceplate.

Any keen optic could spot Ratchet flinching a little at the mention of her name, optics wide as he stares. The medic suddenly seems upset about something.

"What's with you, Ratchet? You look like you've seen a ghost-" Ironhide comments with raised optic ridge.

Hearing that, the four newbie bots turn around to face the rest of their Autobot companions. Angelblade is almost thrown off of her peds when a certain medic suddenly hugs her.

The femme is at a momentary loss for words, when she feels a tug in her spark. Some sort of barrier is lifted and she feels a bond awaken. The feeling is weird, but not unpleasant to the new Cybertronian.

Ratchet barely keeps it together. He hugs the femme close. "Angelblade…? I– I thought you were offline…"

"Well, I'm right here, Ratchet'' she replies softly, something clicking in her processor. What she feels is a sibling bond. Ratchet is her brother.

The medic can barely believe it, shaking his helm a bit. He has a thousand questions and no answers.

Angel takes the mech's shoulders, stepping back so she can look him in the optics. "I'm here. I'm fine. Don't get your gears in a bunch."

Ratchet, though surprised by her attitude, nods slowly. "Yeah. You are."

Willowisp is grinning like a dork, hiding that grin behind his servo. 'So adorable.'

Lennox clears his throat, thereby ruining the moment. He gets a side-optic glare from Angel before she turns around.

The general is not deterred by the giant mechanoid glaring at him. "Right. Welcome to NEST's base of operations. There are a few rules you all will have to go by, but I'm sure the other Autobots will make you aware of that. Other than that, you're free to move around the island."

After that's said, the meeting is dismissed. Most Autobots spread around the base.

BP's team gets some time to themselves, which is nice because so far it's been a rollercoaster.

They decide to explore.


During her exploration, Angel runs into the two mechs that she was looking for. Sideswipe and Sunstreaker. She hadn't seen them during the meeting and worried that they weren't there.

"Well, look at that Sunny~ there's a pretty birdie" Sideswipe chimes when Angel walks into the empty hangar that the twins used to train in.

"Don't call me that" Sunstreaker replies grumpily. "I don't recognize her."

"That's right, I'm new here" Angeblade chirps happily. She's found the mechs that she is most eager to meet and they're even hotter in person.

"And does the new femme have a name?" Sideswipe asks with glittering optics.

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