Chapter 8

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A/N: This chapter is for my lovely friend AngelBlade! NicoleC2000

Angel is by herself in a storage room, sulking. She has had enough of the constant mocking by her teammates about Rodimus Prime. “Oh frag this!” she shouts, kicking a wall and then immediately regretting it.

She holds her hurt ped with a pouty face. “That’s just great,” the femme whines.

Angel sits there for a while, contemplating how she will get back at her teammates for all the teasing. At least her twins are nice and on her side in all this.

After the events from a few weeks ago, with the paint incident, she has finally managed to get the twins helm over peds for her. Even though unspoken of, they are in a relationship now.

‘And Ratchet still forbids me to sleep in their room’ the femme thinks bitterly.

The door slides open after a while, probably someone is here to get a box. But no.

It’s Rodimus.

The femme looks up to see that yellow and red frame and she barely withholds a groan. “Rodimus,” she says coldly.

The mech in front of her sighs. “Angelblade, can we talk?” he asks.

“I have no desire to talk to you, Rodimus Prime,” she replies, looking up at him.

“Come on, lovely. You’re really gonna say no to this face?” he pouts.

“I am saying no to that face. Leave me alone.” the femme demands.

The Prime heaves a sigh. Angel stands up on her peds, reaching up to Rodimus’ shoulders. “I’m not saying it again. Leave,” she grits with an upwards glare.

But Rodimus isn’t budging. He’s used to getting what he wants with his charm and overwhelming beauty. Did I mention his ego?

He takes another step forward and sets his servos on either side of Angel against the wall. He tilts his helm a little. “Please, Firefly. I need to know why you’re resisting me so harshly.”

“Firstly. Back off. I’m taken, afthole. Secondly-”

She is cut off when the door slides open again. This time, it’s Whirl standing in the opening. The helibot peers in, taking in the scene in front of him.

He notices Rodimus’ seductive expression and bursts into a small laughter. A slightly unhinged laughter, that is, but laughter nonetheless.

“Well well, isn’t this a development,” he says, a smirk practically radiating off of him.

“Whirl wait, it’s not what you-” Angelblade protests, but Whirl has run off already.

“Think…” she sighs.

“Aw, come on now, Firefly. This isn’t that bad,” Rodimus teases.

The femme shoves him away with considerable force. “I’m taken, so stick it up your aft, Hot Rod.”

“Hey! That’s not my name!” he argues as he stumbles backwards. “And you still haven’t told me!”

Angel stomps to the door. “Ask Drift,” she snaps before the door slams shut behind her.

Rodimus freezes in his tracks, optics blown wide instantly. And he remains in that position for a while.

Angelblade stomps through the hallway. Angry and on the edge, she is not in the mood to speak to anyone but her twins. But the universe is playing against her, and she runs into the Chevy twins instead.

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