Chapter 5

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It is early in the morning, but Diego Garcia is already bustling with activity. Wisp is together with Jazz in the training area, practicing moves. The medic is making good progress with his agility-based fighting style.

The duo momentarily halts their practice when Angelblade walks into the room, looking slightly confused.

“Hey, Angel. Didn’t expect you here. Where are the twins?” Willowisp asks kindly, putting his staff away.

“Angel? What?” the warrior looks at herself in great confusion. “Oh by Primus, not again!”

The femme’s face contorts and suddenly, Shrek stands in the place of Angelblade. “It’s been happening all morning!” he complains.

“What, your camouflage malfunctioning?” Jazz, asks, looking over the mech from top to bottom. “Shoulda let Hide or Ratchet check that out.”

The weapons specialist sighs. “I’ll be fine. Thanks, Jazz.”

The saboteur shrugs. “Suit yourself mate.”

Wisp frowned a little. “Are you sure Shrek? You can’t go around as other people all day. Even though it is hilarious.”

The mech glared at Wisp and groaned. “Oh yeah, and tell your Minicon to behave. He’s been stalking me and BP already.”

“Snippy? Oh, yeah. That’s what he does. I’ll talk to him later.”

“Please do before he… cuts someone’s Energon lines,” Shrek says with a light shudder.

Wisp facepalms with a little sigh. “I thought I had told him off enough about that. Even though he doesn’t actually do it.”

Shrek hums and nods. His battle mask hides his emotions, but the medic got pretty good at reading him pretty fast.

“Anyway, are you waiting for someone?” he asks.

The other mech nods again. “Was waiting for Ironhide. He offered to train with me.”

“That I did, kitten,” Ironhide’s voice says from behind him, startling the poor mech.

Hide laughs and pats him on the back, nearly sending him flying. “Alright, let’s get on with it, shall we?”

Jazz shoots Wisp a questioning look and receives a shake of the helm back. “I’d like to watch this,” Wisp replies.

Both mechs step off to the side, to give the other two space. Ironhide positions himself across from Shrek. “You won’t get me so easy this time,” he said with a smirk.

The weapon’s specialist grins under his mask. “We’ll see about that, Hide.”

Jazz counts down and the sparring match begins. This time, Ironhide is more careful, letting Shrek take the first move.

And that he does, dashing in with incredible speed. But the bigger mech is ready for him. Hide grabs Shrek by his outstretched arms and flings him around a couple of times, before letting go. It sends him flying a few feet.

Wisp cringes physically when he hears and sees his friend slam into the ground.

“Ow,” Shrek outs, rubbing his helm and getting up shakily. “That’s low, Hide.”

“Ironhide can get carried away,” Jazz mutters under his vent, only for Wisp to hear. The medic tilts his helm towards the saboteur, optics widening slightly. “And that means?”

“Watch,” he replies.

Ironhide didn’t even acknowledge Shrek’s remark. Now, he’s the one to dash in, arms outstretched and ready to tackle the infinitely smaller mech.

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