Chapter 3

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The next morning, Wisp wakes with a yawn. He finally sits up after a little while and looks around.

"That was one crazy dream," he mutters to himself.

After waking up sufficiently, Willowisp exits his room and wanders the halls. He still needs to find his way around here.

"Was it right... or left? Slag, I should've mapped this place-"

"Hey Wispy!" Angel's voice greets him from behind.

The medic turns around, his visor clicking into place as he does. He didn't mean for it to come down, but he supposes it can't be helped. It has the power of the Lenses now.

"Hi Angie," he greets his friend cheerily. "Did you recharge well?"

"Something like it," she hums. Angel pulls out her new swords from where they rest on either hip. "Look at this!"

She presents the blades to Willowisp, who takes them and admires the craftsmanship.

"Woah. Solus really knows what she's doing, huh."

"Yes- wait, how do you know?"

Angel is surprised, now looking up at Wisp confusedly.

The mech shrugs a little. "Take a guess," he says jokingly.

"Hmmm," Angelblade hums, tapping her forehelm. "Alchemist Prime?"

"Right on the money."

"Awww! You get to hang out with Maccadam. That's adorable~"

Wisp chuckles, giving the blades back to his friend and retracting his visor. "He's pretty cool, yeah. And you get Solus, the Prime shipper!"

The femme flashes a grin and twirls around. "You bet Wispy! We have all kinds of sneaky plans~"

The mech laughs and smiles. "Sure you do. I look forward to it."

"Say, Wispy, do you wanna duel? I wanna test these swords," Angel asks with a more serious expression.

"Sure thing. I need to test my own weapons anyway."

The femme's expression lights up and she quickly begins to walk to the sparring room. Clearly, she's beyond excited to test Solus' gift.

Once they're both in position, Wisp reaches to his back and disconnects two of the rotor blades there. They double as swords.

He also clicks them together at the hilt. Now he has a double-edged staff.

Angel watches the display with a grin and takes her swords once more. She spins them in her servos skillfully, so that they face with the blade backward.

"Ahsoka style huh?" Wisp hums with a tiny smirk. "Smart choice."

Angelblade flashes a smug grin and gets into battle position. "Yep! You're going down Wispy~"

Willowisp straightens up, displaying his full height. He holds his staff at a slight angle, stretched out diagonally behind his back like a swordmaster. "We'll see about that."

They hear a whistle from the door opening. When helms are turned, Jazz is leaning against the doorframe with a grin. "Impressive display that is. But can you two hold up to it?" he asks with a slight tease in his tone.

"Well, we can always try," Angel chimes happily. "Would you do the honors of counting us in, Jazzy boy?"

The saboteur laughs, a surprisingly deep sound. He walks into the room, a smirk on his faceplate. "Will do, newbie."

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