part 1

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It's the last day of high school. I wake up in the morning take a shower and then throw on a dark brown spaghetti strap tank top, lighter brown trousers, checked shirt and my Dr. Marten boots Grace got me on my birthday.

I make my way down stares to the kitchen where I find my mom making breakfast. mmmm pancakes. "Morning mama" I say as I kiss her cheek. "Morning baby, your foods on the table eat up before Grace comes to get you" she replies.

Before I can answer I hear the door open and grace yelling my name at the top of her lungs "in the kitchen! " I yell back. I here her rush towards us. I knew giving her an extra key would be a mistake. "Oooh fooooood" she says as she walks over to my plate and takes it. "Good morning to you too Grace" my mum says as she places another plate in front of me. "oh good morning Janet" she says with her mouth stuffed with food.

Grace and I met in middle school my mum and I had just moved here to California, after my Dad died. I was in a bad place. She helped me out of it. Her family is super rich. She's my bestfriend and I love her.

We all sit at the table eating and talking for like 15 minutes and we hear a car honk outside. "oh Michael! I totally forgot I left him outside" she says as she gets up "let's go let's go" she says again pulling my hand. "OK ok" I said as I put the last piece of pancake in my mouth and grabbed my phone and bag then kissed my mum on her cheek bye.

We make our way towards the car. Michael(grace's boyfriend) is sitting in the drivers seat of his 1968 oldsmobile 442 red converable his dad got him. looking irritated by our delay. When we get in the car he opens his mouth to say something when Grace just leans over and whispers something in his ear which makes him smile and turn red. I already know she must have whispered some nasty sh*t to him. He pulls out of the drive way and we head towards school.

"I can't believe this is our last day coming to this hell hole" grace squills as we make our way into the building.
We're part of the prom committee and we have to be here to prepare for tonight. We head over to the school hole and put up decorations and stuff till everything is set.

" were getting ready at my house right" she says as she looks at me.

"yeah... I just need to grab a few things at home then I'll meet you there in 30 " I reply

"You need a ride"Micheal asks

"No I'll just take the bus" I reply

"OK see you later" she says as she walks away pulling Micheals hand. Poor guy he has to deal with all that energy in one human being I chuckle as I think to myself.

When I got home I got everything I needed; my dress, shoes, hair styling products, make up and other stuff. Loaded them in my old generic 4wd truck ruby she was my dad's car (I love her) and made my way to the Lee's mansion.

Thank you for reading x

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