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We got into the car, Grace and michael started making out before we even left the driveway. Usually when they get touchy Feely with each other I just ignore and scroll through tik toks or something. But right now Jacob was right next to me and the silence mixed with the sound of lips smacking felt a little awkward. I think Jacob felt the same cause he cleared his throat loudly which caught there attention they pulled away from each other. "sorry" Grace said and giggled.

We all talked and laughed for a bit "I think we need something to make us all feel good" grace said as she Leaned over to the other side of the limo that had compartments. She opened the biggest one and pulled out a a bottle of whiskey and got 4 glasses from the other and handed them out.

"Come on G you know dad will be pissed off if he finds out we touched his sh*t" Jacob said

"were just having a glass each besides he won't know unless one of us tells him" she says with a warning look to all of us

She filled up each glass which is way more than she's supposed to...all I could do was just laugh at Jacob's irritated face. When he saw me laughing I noticed he had a small smile in the corners of his lips. He looked away quickly and was about to drink when he saw me looking at him but grace stopped him. His face was now red almost like he was shy.

"OK let's make a toast to opening the next chapter of our lives and to this right here" she motioned between me and her"this friendship. No scratch that. This sisterhood between you and I. I wouldn't be here attending my last prom if you weren't in my life. now we all know I was a bit of an air head" we all laughed and chorused no sarcastically and she gave us a middle finger "but you pushed me to work harder. Your support and faith are one of the things that motivated me to do better. Arghh I love you girl and hope our kids will be as close as we are." we hugged and clinked glasses with the boys before we all drunk.

By the Time we all got to the venue we had finished our drinks. Grace tried to entice us to have more and we all gave in lol. I mean we're just trying to have a good time.

It usually takes more than we had for me to feel something, I don't know what was in that drink but I felt good.

The place looked amazing and I was proud of the work we put in. Music was playing and we just danced on the side lines but when my song Nakati by Ya Levis came on lets just say I lost my morals.

I pulled Jacob to the middle of the dance floor and started whining my waist. At first all he did was just watch me then he pulled me to him and I turned around so that my ass was rubbing against his already hard-on. We danced a little kizomba.

We were so caught up in the moment, in each other that when the song came to an end and we were holding on to each other did we realize everyone stopped dancing to look at us. We pulled away from each other while everyone clapped.

One of the doors opened and all the chaperones came back into the room. It all made sense why that song played and why no one ripped us apart while we danced. I understand and speak french very well and the lyrics to that song are something else.  The principle went on stage and the music died down. Grace came to stand next to me with a huge grin on her face she was about to say something but I shooshed her.

The principle gave a quick speech. Prom King and queen were picked. I won by the way. The principle left all the chaperones disappeare, we found more booze. We tasted edibles for the first time and let's just say we were gone. We all danced and had a great time.

One minute we were at prom next we were eating big macs from McDonald's outside seven eleven. Laughing our heads off about things that didn't make sense in our dates jackets.

The driver stepped out of the car on his phone "yes sir" he said before cutting the call "that was Mr Lee he has requested your return home" he said while putting his phone in his jacket pocket. We got back into the car and drove off.

We had to drop Michael off at his place, So we got home 30 minutes later. My mum told me earlier she was working the night shift as well so I just let her know that I would sleep at graces place.

All the lights were off when we walked in. We tip toed or at least what we thought was tip toeing towards the staircase giggling and shooshing each other when the lights came on. We stopped in or tracks and looked to the sides where we saw a serious faced Mr Lee staring at us.

"Do you guys know what time it is?" he asked.

"sorry dad... we lost track of time" Grace answered with a small giggle. It was really hard to keep our game faces on.

He stared at us somemore "good night will talk about this tomorrow morning." was all he said before walking back to the living room sitting down turning on the TV.

Jacob escorted us to graces room. Grace threw herself on her bed. Jacob took off her shoes got another blanket from her drawers and covered her with it, he sat down at the edge and kissed her on her forehead. He was so soft and caring with her and that's one of the things I loved about him.

He got up and started walking to the door. "thank you" I said quickly before he opened the door

"for what" he asked turning around undoing his cuffs. That action alone made feel hot in all the right places causing me to squeeze my thighs together. And I think he noticed cause he stared at my legs then back up into my eyes as he walked slowly to me.

"umm for tonight even though you didn't have to. I had a great time"
I said looking down nervously.

He lifted my chin up so that I would look at him. "i didn't do it cause I had to I did it cause I wanted to" he said then leaned forward a little our lips were so close. " ever since I went to college after that night you were all I could think about. It took so much to get you out of my mind but when I saw you today. F*ck It all came back to me like a flood... and you have no idea how much I regret what I did"

I leaned in but he pushed away. "what's wrong?" I asked confused and irritated looking up at him

He sighed loudly and placed his forehead on mine "I want to so bad but not like this" he said "and it looks like I'll need another cold shower" he said chuckling

He then kissed my forehead then said goodnight and walked out the room. I stood there staring at the door smiling before I frowned.why does he have such an effect on me? Why can't I stay mad at him for a long time? I hated him but if I'm being honest tonight changed all of that.

I took off my dress and had a quick shower. I didn't carry any spare clothes so I threw on one of Graces pajamas from her closet which was a little small in some places. immediately my head touched the pillow I was out like a light.

Thank you for reading x

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