part 9

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I packed my freshly washed clothes picked up my bag and keys hugged her waved at Mic and walked towards the door I hadn't even left yet and they were already at it again " I better find new sheets the next time I'm here cause y'all are nasty" I said walking out .

When I got home I was still tired and decided to take a short nap so I set an alarm for 6 so I could have enough time to make dinner for my mum and get ready before 8. I put my hair in a bonnet and fell asleep the moment my head touched the pillow. 

I woke up and looked out my window it was dark out. I picked up my phone to check the time and it was 6:45. I jumped out of bed shocked that I slept through the alarm. I rushed down stares and decided to just make a quick chicken and pasta stir fry.

Then I ran upstairs and went to my closet and chose a simple outfit since he told me we were just going to our diner and put it on the bed after that I rushed to the bathroom  took a quick shower and then rushed back out, lotioned my body put on my clothes and shoes sat in front of the mirror and just put my hair back into its normal state of curls and put a little makeup on some mascara, lip gloss and a little blush to finish the look

Then I ran upstairs and went to my closet and chose a simple outfit since he told me we were just going to our diner and put it on the bed after that I rushed to the bathroom  took a quick shower and then rushed back out, lotioned my body put on m...

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Shoes _______________

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Just when I had finished I got a call from him telling me he was just around the corner. I got my phone, lip gloss, purse and other stuff I needed and put them in my my bag. I made sure everything was ok in the house and made my way outside and locked the door.

Standing there waiting made me think.
It's funny how life has a way of surprising you, how it can bring someone back into your life just when you thought you'd moved on. The crisp evening air nipped at my cheeks as I stood outside, waiting for Jason to pick me up. Despite the whirlwind of emotions inside me, part of me was looking forward to seeing our old diner, a place that once felt like a second home. The headlights of his car pierced the twilight, and my heart skipped a beat. This was it. No turning back now.

Jason parked his car, got out and walked to the passenger side and opened the door.

"Hey, Nava. Ready for a trip down memory lane?" Jason asked, his voice laced with a nervous excitement that mirrored my own as I said hey back.

As we drove, the silence wasn't uncomfortable but filled with anticipation. When the diner came into view, it was like stepping into a time capsule. The neon sign buzzed a welcome, the same way it had all those years ago.

We slid into our old booth, and the awkwardness that I had braced myself for never fully materialized. Instead, there was a sort of hesitant curiosity between us, a desire to bridge the gap time had created.

Jason was the first to break the silence, his voice hesitant but sincere. "Nava, I...I'm really sorry about everything. I never meant to hurt you. Leaving the way I did was cowardly, and not telling you about it was even worse."

I let out a breath I didn't realize I'd been holding. "It hurt, Jason, more than I thought possible. But it also made me realize I needed to find strength within myself, not from someone else. So, in a weird way, I have to thank you for that."

The admission seemed to lift a weight off both of us, and from there, the conversation flowed more freely. We talked about the old days, laughed at our past selves, and cautiously navigated our way around the more tender topics of our current lives.

After dinner, we decided to take a walk, the night lending a beautiful backdrop to our tentative steps towards something new—or perhaps a second chance at something old. The familiar streets were quiet, allowing us a privacy that the diner couldn't offer.

A breeze passed and I got a little cold he noticed and took of his jacket and put it around me. "Thank you" I said  he just smiled at me and continued.

"It feels good to be doing this, you know? Just talking, being with you," Jason said, his voice carrying a warmth that filled the cool night air.

"Yeah, it does," I admitted, the truth of my words surprising even me. "I didn't realize how much I missed this...missed us."

As we walked, Jason broached the subject of keeping our date a secret. "I hope you understand why I think it's best we keep this between us for now. It's not about hiding; it's about figuring us out without any added pressure."

I pondered his words, the skepticism a faint whisper in the back of my mind. But looking at him, seeing the earnestness in his eyes, I found myself nodding. "Okay, but Jason, if we're doing this, we're doing it with the understanding that it won't be a secret forever."

"Of course," he agreed, a promise in his voice.

That night, walking under the stars with Jason, felt like the beginning of a new chapter. And just like that, the pieces of my heart began to find their way back together, not as they once were, but perhaps, this time, even better



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His outfit

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