part 10

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That night, walking under the stars with Jason, felt like the beginning of a new chapter. And just like that, the pieces of my heart began to find their way back together, not as they once were, but perhaps, this time, even better.

There's going to be some time skips

The past two weeks had been a whirlwind of reconnection and rediscovery with Jason. Every stolen moment, every secret meeting felt like peeling back layers from a past long buried, yet brimming with the potential of something new. Our nights were filled with conversations that stretched until dawn, in the quiet sanctuary of his room, where the world outside seemed to fade into insignificance. It was during one of these nights, the world shrouded in the quiet blanket of darkness, that everything changed.

Creeping out of Grace's room had become a nightly ritual, one that excited and terrified me in equal measure. But that particular night felt different. As I neared Jason's door, the fleeting shadow and the whisper of sound made my heart skip, but I brushed it off as a trick of the mind, a shadow play from the dimly lit hallway.

Inside Jason's room, the air was charged with an unspoken anticipation. Our conversations always felt like dances, weaving around each other's words, but tonight, Jason's gaze held me in a way it hadn't before. As I babbled on about the day, he just watched me, an intensity in his eyes that made my words falter.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" I finally asked, my voice barely a whisper.

"I think I'm falling in love with you, Nava. Actually, I know I am. These past weeks, getting to know you all over again, it's made me realize how deep my feelings for you are," Jason confessed, his voice carrying a weight that silenced the room.

His words stirred something within me, reawakening feelings I thought I'd buried long ago. "I feel it too, Jason. All those emotions I had for you, they never really went away. They were just...asleep."

And then, in the quiet of his room, we shared our first kiss-a kiss that felt like a promise, a beginning. The night stretched on, filled with more talks, more shared dreams, until the first light of dawn beckoned me back to reality, back to Grace's room.

Sneaking back as the sun rose, I was a mess of emotions-elated, terrified, but mostly, hopeful. I managed a few hours of restless sleep before Grace's cheerful voice woke me. "Time to start the day, sleepyhead!"

The day unfolded in a blur of spa treatments and movie preparations, a comforting routine that felt strangely out of sync with the turmoil inside me. It was in the midst of setting up snacks that the knock on the door came-a knock that would unravel everything.

Standing before me was a girl, the embodiment of grace and beauty with her model body, blonde hair and sticking blue eyes, her presence immediately setting off alarms in my head. "Hi, I'm Madeline. I'm here to see Jason. He's my boyfriend. And you are?"

In complete shock all I could do was just stare at her words failing me."uhm are you ok?" She asked

Her words hit me like a physical blow, leaving me reeling, struggling to grasp the reality she'd just presented.I stared at the girl, her presence a jarring intrusion into the life I thought I was rebuilding with Alex. Her concern pierced through my shock as she asked again, "Are you okay?" Her kindness, genuine and unassuming, somehow made it all the more painful.

Before I could muster a response, a familiar voice floated from behind, "Who's at the door?" Jason's words trailed off into an eerie silence as he stepped into view, his stride halting abruptly when his eyes landed on his girlfriend. My heart thudded painfully against my ribcage, each beat echoing the betrayal I felt

His voice was the last thing I wanted to hear in that moment, but it was his shocked pause upon seeing Madeline that truly shattered my heart.

The moment intensified as his family entered, unaware of the tension. They breezed past us with warm greetings for Madeline, his "girlfriend," their excitement oblivious to the heartache standing mere feet away. Mr.Lee was the exception; his eyes flickered between Alex and me, a brief shadow of concern passing over his face before he masked it with a welcoming smile towards Madeline.

As his family crowded around, welcoming Madeline with open arms, I felt myself becoming invisible, the realization of what was happening sinking in. Mr Lee's fleeting look of understanding offered no comfort, only confirmation of my worst fears.

In the chaos, Jason tried to reach out to me, but I couldn't bear it. Tears blinded me as I ran upstairs, my heart breaking with every step. The betrayal, the confusion, the pain-it was all too much. Packing my bags through tear-filled eyes, I realized I had to leave, to escape the scene that had turned my newfound hope into a nightmare.

I couldn't face them, couldn't face him, not after this. The trust I'd started to rebuild was shattered, leaving me to wonder how I'd let myself believe in a second chance that was never truly mine.

As I finished packing, my heart was a mess of anger and sorrow, each item I threw into my bag a reminder of the shattered illusions that had brought me here. My plan was simple: escape through the back, where the sprawling layout of the house offered a hidden exit, a way to slip away unnoticed. But fate, it seemed, had other plans.

Jason intercepted me, his expression a mix of desperation and fear. "Nava, please, just listen to me," he pleaded, stepping in my path.

I couldn't. The sight of him, the sound of his voice, it was all too much. "Listen? Jason, there's nothing you can say. How could you?" My whisper was sharp, a mix of a hiss and a sob, anger boiling beneath the surface.

Our whispered shouts were a quiet storm, a tempest contained within the walls of the hallway. That's when Grace's voice cut through the tension. "Hey, guys, what's going on?" Her concern was palpable, her gaze flicking between us, sensing the turmoil.

"Grace, I-" The words lodged in my throat, the betrayal too deep to voice.

"Ask him," I managed, stepping past Jason, my eyes fixed on the escape that beckoned. I couldn't bear to stay, to explain, to face the aftermath of what had just unraveled my world.

As I drove away, the house and all its painful revelations receded in the rearview mirror. The drive home was a blur, my tears a constant stream that showed no sign of stopping. Once inside the safety of my room, I let the floodgates open, crying until there were no tears left, until my body was wrung out from the force of my sobs.

Feeling dirty, used, and foolish, I replayed the events over and over, each time with a fresh wave of pain. I had allowed myself to believe in the possibility of us, only to be reminded, in the cruelest way, of why it had all fallen apart the first time. The realization that I had been betrayed again, by the same person who once meant the world to me, was a weight too heavy to bear.

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