part 12

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As she left, my heart sank. The knock on the door, the appearance of Madeline, and the subsequent confrontation were a blur, each moment a hammer blow to the fragile hope I'd harbored of repairing things with Nava.


The world blurred past me as I made my escape, the steady hum of the car engine the only sound piercing my bubble of shock and betrayal. My hands shook slightly on the wheel, every mile widening the gap between me and the chaos I left behind. Yet, no distance seemed far enough to escape the hurt.

Upon reaching home, I locked myself away in my room, a sanctuary that felt too bright, too cheerful for the storm of emotions raging inside me. My room, usually a reflection of light and positivity with its soft, pastel colors and sunlit corners, now felt mocking in its brightness. The vibrant hues contrasted sharply with the darkness clouding my heart, making the space feel foreign, as if it belonged to someone else-a version of me untouched by heartache.

Surrounded by scattered tissues, the remnants of my tears, I lay there, enveloped in a blanket of sorrow. The vibrancy of my room only accentuated the dull ache inside me, a constant reminder of how deeply I had been cut. The colors that once brought me joy now seemed to echo my loneliness, painting my despair in stark relief against the backdrop of what was supposed to be my safe haven.

The next day, still adrift in my sea of grief, the gentle knock at my door barely registered. It was my mom, her voice laced with concern as she entered. "Hey, baby, what's wrong?" Her eyes, full of worry, scanned the room, taking in the disarray of crumpled tissues and my disheveled appearance.

I could barely muster the energy to look up, the weight of my sadness anchoring me to the bed. "No, nothing," I whispered, the lie falling flat even to my own ears.

She sighed, a mix of understanding and frustration. "Okay, when you're ready to talk about it, let me know." But as she turned to leave, a knock at the door drew her attention to the window. Peering out, she announced, "Oh, Grace is here."

The mention of Grace's name sent a fresh wave of pain through me. "Mom, please don't let her in," I managed to say, the effort of speaking around the lump in my throat almost too much to bear.

Her gaze softened as she looked at me, a dawning realization crossing her features. "Okay, baby," she said gently, her voice reassuring. "Remember, I'm still here for you." With one last worried look, she left, closing the door softly behind her.

Left alone once again, I faced the crushing reality of my situation. The betrayal wasn't just from Jason-it was the secrecy, the lies that had entangled us all, making even the thought of seeing Grace unbearable. As the sunlight streamed through my window, a cruel reminder of the world moving on without me, I couldn't help but feel stuck, caught in a moment of despair that seemed to have no end.

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