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When we got down stairs we headed to the kitchen Lillian told us that Mr Lee wanted to take some pictures of us and our dates. I tried to tell her that I don't have one but I was cut short when I caught his scent it was so intoxicating and expensive. The type of perfume that enters a room before you and remains long after you've gone.

Mr Lee was facing the other way when we walked in. "honey" Lillian called out to him.

His son is hot but Mr Lee is well hotter. The only difference was with Jacob he was like an ooh I'd like him as a boyfriend kinda way despite our past, while for Mr Lee I saw him in a sexual way. Him and his parents moved to England when he was 11 so he adopted the British accent but spoke Korean alot. I mean his a Korean self made billionaire so he treasures hard work, I used to see how he treated his wife with so much sweetness and love, he's the perfect gentleman too, oh and did I mention his super hot. Him and his wife looked like they were hand crafted by god's they were perfect looking for each other.

"Nava!" I heard him say louder as he snapped me out of my day dream. Arggh why am I always in a constant battle with my mind to stay in reality.

"um yes?" I asked raising my eyebrows.

"I said you look beautiful too" he said with a small hint of irritation in his voice. I always felt like he didn't like me or found me irritating. Actually I've only seen him smile 5 times. But he's still hot for a grumpy guss.

"Umm thank you Mr Lee" I noticed that he slightly frowned whenever I called him that. He's told me countless times to call him Henry but sometimes I feel like calling him Mr Lee is the only thing that kind of restrains me from jumping his bones.

Micheal walked into the kitchen looking dapper in a black suit and peachy shirt that matched the colour of Graces dress, they both looked cute.

"where's your date Nava" Mr Lee asked. I loved how my name just rolled out of his, mouth.

"I don't-"I was about to finish my sentence when Jacob walked in

" here!" he answered quickly cutting me off.

He had on a suit he looked really good but I'm sure everyone was just as confused as I was wondering what he was doing.

" you two are going together?" Lillian asked.

He agreed. "but you don't go to there school. Heck your not even in high school" she said

"I know. When Grace told me she didn't have a date. I don't know I felt bad for her so I chose to go as her date you know make her prom night memorable or something." he said nervously that has to be the sweetest thing anyone has ever done for me but I was wondering why he was nervous.

" Aww thats so sweet of you to do Jacob right henry" Lillian said moving over to Mr Lee to wrap her arm around his. An uncomfortable look crossed his face but that expression derappeard before anyone else could see it.

"yeah" he replied to her glancing at me.

We all walked to the stair case where we were told to pose all kinds of poses by Lillian. When it was my turn to take pictures alone Lillian told me to stand infront of a wall next to the staircase. She showed me how to pose. "put your left leg a little forward, place your left hand just where your slit starts." I listened to it all.
Before taking the picture Mr Lee scanned my body quickly which made me feel a little nervous before he walked towards me grabbed my right hand and placed it on my chest right where the strap was" hold the strap"was all he said before walking back into place.

Oh my God that is literally the first time his ever touched me. My heart was beating so fast I think he felt it through my pulse on my hand. I guess I was the only who noticed he was acting different cause everyone else was agreeing to his adjustment.

"OK now I need you to loosen up abit... Relax " Mr Lee said. He was great at photography him and Lillian met on the set of one of her photo shoots. He was taking pictures her as a side hobby. He stopped when Jacob was born to focus more on his business. So he was in his element.

We took the picture and a couple more before it was time to leave.

Thank you for reading x

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