Chapter 1: Homecoming

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Weary travellers stop at a certain inn in a place not known of in maps, but only in fable. This place is known as Staadsvar. The inn is called the Rook. It is a dingy place, covered in grime and filth as far as the eye can see. However, they serve the most powerful alcohol in the land. Another reason for legend, Staadsvar's Rook holds one of the strongest liquors known to man, Pepsi. Pepsi is known to put the most powerful drinkers under the table for a week with one sip. Though they serve this and it's dirtier than a rat's filthy nest, it has quite a family atmosphere. They serve a variety of foods that make people's taste buds swim. Here, two exhausted adventurers stop, after overhearing how their once favorite eating establishment has grown quite popular. Of course, the few people who found Staadsvar's Rook when it first opened knew them well when they opened the door, though their heads were covered in by their hoods, covered in all new scars from battle and Blader had new scratches and bloodstains on his blade, and Oznerol's Grim Reaper Emerald pickaxe covered in blood and scratches as well. The two hooded adventurers walked to the bar and shrugged off the hoods of their cloaks. "Welcome back boys! What'll you have?" The bulky man from behind the bar asked them. "I'll just have a water, Stinell." Blader's calm voice answered. "I, myself will take the same." Said Oznerol. He took out his pickaxe to wipe off the blood and moved on. Blader sat in his chair with his back straight, looking over the eatery that had once only had 3 customers daily, 2 of them he and his frenemy. "Hard to believe this place only had a few people in last time we were here." Blood dribbled from a deep gash in his arm, he loses one hit-point as Stinell's eyes widened at the injury. Oznerol says "Well Stinell, can you take a guess about where his little wound came from?" He explains the last great battle they had ended badly. "It gave him a deeper wound than what you can see. A shard of my pickaxe is still within his arm, and my pickaxe is cursed, being able to be used by one person, who is me. That weakens Blader by another hit-point than he already knows." Oznerol walks off to the bathroom because he is bored. Blader winced a bit as he realized how painful the wound really was. He was ignoring the pain in the heat of the moment in order to get another cut on Oznerol and walk all the way to the inn. "Stinell, is Naunia in? I could use her medical treatment skills." Stinell nodded and called out for her daughter. Naunia ran out of a door in the back carrying a bag holding all of the supplies she needs to treat a deep wound. Naunia moved from behind the bar to Blader's side and began examining the wound. She pulled out a small bottle of liquid from her bag, and then unscrewed the lid and dabbed a little on a bit of cotton, and began rubbing it along the wound. Although it burned like hell's fire, he just put a blank face on and drank his water which Stinell brought him a couple of minutes ago. He watched as his frenemy emerged from the bathroom and nodded a greeting towards him. He came over to Naunia and gave a quick bow. "Hey Naunia. How is Blader doing? I didn't mean to nearly kill him, but... well... i kind of wanted him to give me back the 5 copper pieces he owed me." Naunia intervenes "Wait, that's what this was about?!" Blader interjected as well. "Oznerol you idiot. Stinell, can you split a gold piece into silver and then to copper?" "Sure Blader." He took the gold piece the young man offered from his coin purse and began counting copper and silver. Oznerol sighs and opens up his endless backpack. "Here, take this you whiney baby!" and he throws a gold piece at Blader's face. Unfortunately, the gold piece misses his head and goes straight into the incomplete wound in Blader's arm, completely undoing all of the work Naunia has done on his arm. Blader shouted in extreme pain. Naunia became infuriated. "Oznerol!" Naunia took Blader's sword in her hands, despite it obviously being too heavy for her, and began chasing Oznerol around the eatery. Blader collapsed on the floor from the pain. Blader's hit points hit zero, as his hit points were progressively lessening. Oznerol facepalms himself. "I'll be right back Blader. I have... stuff to do. Biya!" Naunia dashes up to him at light speed and grabs him by the ear. "Oh no you don't Oznerol! You caused this, and now you have to fix this. Now get back here and take that money out of his arm, and give him what YOU now owe him for this!!" Oznerol picks up a club from a nearby warrior, and slams himself on the face with it, bringing his hit points to zero. "Yeah, you're useless" says Naunia. Naunia sighs and looked at the two collapsed heroes. "What am I gonna do with you two?..." She said to no one in particular, and then began tending to Blader and Oznerol's injuries.

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