Chapter 7: Another Quest

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(Written by Oznerol, so not quite as epic if it were written by Blader, aka me, Crow.)

Blader fell back out of his chair as he leaned back too far, trying to lean back far enough to see outside of the door. The Rook's chairs were too weak for him to do so, so he just fell backwards. Gene was at the bar, getting Checkers tips from Stinell, Lightning Heart was making a show of animal transformations to Oznerol, Naunia was looking through her bag for some experimental chemicals to make an extremely potent poison, Lani was practicing knife throwing on a makeshift hay target, Lucy was gambling with a group of men, trying to trick them into betting all of their money, Stella was playing an old beaten up piano in the corner, and Dedrater was seeing if he could walk through a wall. He could not. Upon looking at the door, lying on the floor, he saw a cloaked figure enter the Rook. He saw it take it's seat and order a Pepsi. Something about the figure rubbed Blader the wrong way. His Angel eyes were having trouble identifying the person underneath the cloak. He stood up and walked over to the figure's table. "I have no trouble with you, Swordsman." Blader looked into the shadow of the hood, trying to pierce the darkness. "Who are you?" Blader asked, not taking his gaze from the shadows once. "People call me the Witch. I come from Nwotslrig." Blader pushed further. "What are you doing here then?" Without missing a beat, the figure replied. "I was run out of town for not showing off my beauty. All women in Nwotslrig must show their faces, but I always hid myself in this cloak because I am ugly. I was also seen as crazy, since I was always trying to warn them of the Weretiger." Blader smiled. "We could help. I mean... It's a Weretiger. That's kind of my sort of thing." Even through the shadows, Blader could tell she was smiling. "That's all I ever wanted to do! I simply want the town safe!" "Looks like we have a quest then." He said as he walked over to tell his party that they were headed to a town primarily ruled by women. Even though Blader could tell she was smiling, he knew she was uneasy. He knew that Weretigers are dangerous, and her people were at stake.

They began their arduous journey to warn the city of the Weretiger. They enter the city of Nwotslrig to tell everybody about the Weretiger. Sadly, as the woman stated while in the tavern, everybody thought they were crazy, and believed that the Weretiger was a myth. For 5 hours they ran around yelling of the Weretiger, yet no one would listen. Some women actually called the police in annoyance. Eventually, they had no choice but to stop. They decided to retreat to the woods in order to figure out something else they can do to make them believe. They came up with the idea to make Lightning Heart become a Weretiger to frighten the citizens of Nwotslrig. However, none of the adventures had even heard of a Weretiger, let alone know what Weretiger looks like. And the "crazy" old woman could not recall what the Weretiger looked like. They only had one choice. They would have to find a Weretiger themselves. Lani asks "Where did you find the Weretiger the first time you saw it?" The woman answers "Out in the Cursed Wood. I was out one day gathering herbs for my special stew when I ran into it." "Well alright then, thats exactly where we are going."

They walk into the woods, but they did not expect to find total darkness. They had to rely on Oznerol's Control of Fire to be able to see. Right before Oznerol opened a fire for their light, he walked right into a huge tree. Yet he had still generated enough energy to create a fire in the palm of his hand. This lit the tree of fire. "YOU IDIOT!" the woman yells. "DO YOU KNOW WHY THIS IS CALLED THE CURSED WOOD? IT IS BECAUSE THE TREES GROW IN SUCH A WAY THAT THE SUBSTANCES WITHIN IT ARE MORE EXPLOSIVE THAN THE DESTRUCTION OF LAKE CROSSDRAUGR!!!!" Oznerol's face turns red as a cherry. The old woman eventually figured it out "Oh you DIDN'T". Oznerol nods. Gene shouts as he hears the crackling of an impending explosion. "GET US THE HECK OUT OF HERE!!" Lightning Heart turns into a dragon and brings everyone into the sky fast enough to avoid the huge explosion. Unfortunately, a squirrel flies at light speed from the explosion, firing straight through Lightning Heart's lower spine, sending them all falling towards the exploded forest again. They all moan in pain as they crash into the ground, as the explosion had not ended. "Well it could've been worse. The squirrel could've gone through me" Stella said. After 5 seconds, the squirrel falls on her, then runs away. "Ahh flip my life".

Lightning Heart reverted to her original state because of the inability to sustain it after such a wound, and is revealed that when a wound is made while in a transformed state, when she transforms back, the wound gets worse. She reverts to her normal form with a hole half the size of a cannonball in her gut. Naunia immediately begins to treat the large wound. Blader walks up to Oznerol and whacks him hard in the face with the blunt edge of Elucidator and says "Why the f**king s**tf**k would you blow up an entire F49ersKING forest?! We were just dang looking for a f88KING Weretiger" "Well I didn't know that the trees were the equivalent of demons!" Lorenzo contradicts. They begin to hear a growling in the distance. Blader and Stella both raise their weapons as they witness a barbarian humanoid figure in the distance. The old woman is paralyzed in fear as she watches the figure walk towards them. "Th... tha... that... that... is the Weretiger" Gene prepares to use his hypnosis to take over the body of the Weretiger. Unfortunately for Gene, the Weretiger's mind seems to also have psychic abilities, and he doesn't just block Gene's attempt to take control, but it then takes control of Gene. Gene then begins to speak in an altered version of his own voice. "Well, I am going to have to kill you now. You blew up my home, and my supa hawt boyfriend. I want revenge!" Blader steps in to battle Gene, while Stella decides to fight the Weretiger himself. Gene sends a fireball similar to that of Oznerol's towards Blader, and he slices it in half. However, these half fireballs still fly out in a split, which would still cause some major damage. Oznerol unfortunately gets hit by both of them somehow. Blader then jumps up with Elucidator and attempts to rend his stomach. Yet this is a failure because he is too fast. Stella on the other hand throws a sword at the Weretiger, which merely bounces off of his skin. She then runs forward and tries to charge him. However this is also a failure as the second before she made it, he grabbed her face and lifted her up, beginning to asphyxiate her. The Weretiger snarled. Stella's face starts turning purple. But while the Weretiger was preoccupied with her, Oznerol discovers that there was a single piece of unexploded bark left. He takes out a sticky dumpling from his backpack and sticks it onto the bark, then throws it at the Weretiger. It sticks on to his back, grabbing it's attention and making him drop Stella, who is now unconscious. Oznerol then tells Blader to trick Gene into throwing a fireball at the Weretiger. Oznerol then took out a cockburger from his backpack and began to taunt the Weretiger with it. He falls for the ruse, and begins to chase him after it. Oznerol drops it on the ground, leaving the monster to devour it, while Blader an epic flip and the fireball approaches the Weretiger. Gene then yells "Master look out!!" The fearsome beast becomes less fearsome as he had realized the fireball too soon and he was knocked unconscious by the blast. By this time Lightning Heart had finally recovered. "What did I miss?" The unconscious Weretiger transformed into his normal form- A beautiful princess. When Gene snaps out of his trance, he sees the form of the princess. He faints in awe of her beauty. Lani takes no care in her beauty and throws a knife right into her skull, turning her into dust. Oznerol says "Well now she can stay with her hawt boyfriend... in Hell." They found some seeds in the ground of the trees. Oznerol, by instinct, throws a fireball at them, blowing them up as usual. This reveals a hole in the ground. Lightning Heart looks in and sees the den where the Weretiger came from. "Well, I'm not going in there just so we can tell everyone that they exist.

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